Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

Dear Parents/Carers

  • Our whole school target for attendance is 97% and unfortunately we are below this at 94.9%. We currently have 61 (27%%) children who have 100% attendance so far.

  • Attendance:

Reception: 95.6% Year 1: 93.8% Year 2: 94.8% Year3: 95.6%

Year 4: 95.6% Year 5 Indigo: 92.2% Year 5 Blue: 96.1% Year 6: 94.7%

  • As part of the government's School Led Tutoring initiative, Mrs Sharkey-Yun, our Inclusion Lead, will be tutoring 21 children from Year 3 and 4 to support their reading during this year, to ensure they reach their full potential. Mrs Sharkey-Yun has already been in touch with the families of these children so you will be aware if your child is one of these children.

  • Well done to Miss Lloyd who has now passed her Level 1 Football Coaching course. We are delighted that our children are going to benefit from the skills Miss Lloyd brings to the team.

  • Miss Hurn has recently carried out pupil surveys with our children to see how much they have learnt in the Autumn term about Online Safety as part of their Computing lessons. It is pleasing to see that our children have a strong understanding and know what to do to keep themselves safe online.

  • We routinely carry out fire drills to ensure that we prepare our children for any emergencies which could occur. Our children and staff did exceptionally well in our recent practise last week and managed to leave our school building safely, in good time. In the coming weeks, we will be practising a 'lock down' procedure, which will be carried out in an age-appropriate way, to ensure that we can prepare our children and staff for any unexpected emergencies that could occur.

  • Staffing update: Mrs Elliott, our deputy head, will sadly be moving on at the end of this term. Mrs Elliott has recently relocated and commutes up to 2 hours each way on her journey to and from Byfleet. Mrs Elliott has contributed greatly to the development of Byfleet Primary over the years and we wish to thank her for her hardwork and dedication. We will keep you updated on our new DHT appointment once this has been finalised.

  • We are recruiting for an additional Midday Supervisor to work on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 11.30am - 1.15pm.

The role involves setting up the dining hall, supervising and supporting the children whilst they eat their lunch and afterwards in the playground. At the end of lunchtime cleaning and packing away the hall.

If you are a positive, approachable, flexible and adaptable person, with a good sense of humour who can use your initiative in order so that the children to have a good experience at lunchtime and would like to join our team, please contact the school office for an application form.

  • We've noticed a rise in children bringing in toys from home which we would like to discourage. Please could you remind your child that no toys from home should be brought in to school.

  • There were many great learning experiences over the past fortnight and we're delighted that our trips are now up and running. Find out more about what we've been doing below.....

Stars of the Week

Reception Rainbow Ralph Freddie

Year 1 Red Lula Muskan

Year 2 Orange Jay Lilly

Year 3 Yellow Albie Harrison

Year 4 Green Preston Noah

Year 5 Indigo Taylah James

Year 5 Blue Vivienne Jessica

Year 6 Violet Lily S Teddy

Year 5/6 Science Quiz Club

Well done to Monty and Lola (Year 6) and Amelia R and Kjaer (Year 5) for taking part in our first national Year 5/6 Science Quiz competition where they competed against other Year 5/6 children from across the UK.

A big thank you to Miss Mills for running this club.

We came 4th overall out of 44 schools! What a clever crew they are!

Christmas Carol Concert

We will be hosting 4 separate Christmas carol concert sessions for you to come along to and have a sing-song with your child(ren) on Monday 6th December (9.05 - 10.05pm & 1.45 - 2.45pm) and Tuesday 7th December (1.45-2.45pm & 6-7pm).

Should there be any tickets spare, we will keep you informed.

*In light of increasing numbers of COVID cases, we will monitor the situation and will review our arrangements for this event. We will keep you updated.

Top Doodler of the Week

Well done to our 'Top Doodler' in each class for earning the most points as part of their Doodle Homework. Remember to log on for 15 - 20 minutes each day and complete as many questions as you can!

This award is for 'effort' so remember to do your best!

Year 2 Orange Sophie 841 Darren 1027**

Year 3 Yellow Sophia 416 Sophia 396

Year 4 Green Olivia C 485 Jack S 394

Year 5 Zeba 351 Matilda W 452

Anaya 416 Zarif 598

Our top spot winner is Darren (Year 2) with 1027 stars!

Spelling Bee 2021!

Spelling Bee Competition for 2021!

Well done to all our children who participated in our spelling bee competition so far. Everyone was able to participate and score points for their house. The results so far are:

Eagles: 564 points

Hawks: 432 points

Kestrels: 553 points

Falcons: 507 points

Next week (beginning 29th November) will be the second preliminary round!

Class teachers will once again test their class in the same way as the previous preliminary round (a written test of 20 words), using different words from the list. This will be another chance for all children to earn house points and, as before, the top spellers will be entered into the next round. The finalists will be chosen from this second preliminary round and so these may be different children from the semi-final!

Week beginning 6th December - The final will take place in the same way as the semi-final round.

They will spell words from their year group lists, words will be spelt out loud - a whiteboard and pen will be provided. For children who are not in the final, they will be tested on 10 of the words from the list via a written list, this means everyone has an opportunity to earn house points.

The individual winner and the winning house will be announced. Good luck!

Music Lessons: 1-1 or small group

Mr. Gillani our Ukulele teacher has been demonstrating his Ukulele and Guitar lessons to the children over the last week. If you are interested in your child having lessons either 1:1 or in a small group please see the link to his leaflet. If you would like Mr Gillani to contact you to arrange these lessons in school please complete the form and return to the School Office.

Music Lesson Interest Form

Odd Socks and Anti-bullying

The children took part in a range of assemblies and activities throughout the week to better their understanding of what bullying means. They discussed the different types of bullying and what you can do if you are being bullied. They enjoyed wearing odd socks and each key stage had an assembly to appreciate why we have odd socks day and celebrate our differences. Some classes made posters and fact pages to present what they had learnt in Anti-bullying week.

friends at the village christmas lights

A huge thank you to our FRIENDS of Byfleet Primary who held a chocolate tombola at the Byfleet Village Christmas lights switch on last week and raised a whopping £500+

It was wonderful to see some many of our families enjoying this event at the start of the Christmas festivities.

As always we are so grateful for all the events the FRIENDS organise for our school and we thank all our families for their continued support.

Let's celebrate Homework projects

No Pens Day

No Pens Day! This week, pupils at Byfleet joined hundreds of pupils around the UK and participated in this national day dedicated to speaking and understanding language.

What is No Pens Day Wednesday?

A national day dedicated to speaking and understanding language, No Pens Day Wednesday aims to raise awareness of the importance of these skills in children and young people’s education and beyond. For one day, pupils will put down their pens and all lessons and activities will have a focus on speaking and understanding skills

Why did we take part?

Speaking and understanding skills underpin everything we do (learning, making friends, having good mental health, and ultimately getting a job) and directly affect pupils’ education and life chances. Including speaking and understanding skills in a planned and structured way in pupils’ education can have a positive impact on their learning and beyond.


On Wednesday 23rd March 2022 our Key Stage Two pupils have the opportunity to take part in a music event at the SSE Arena, Wembley.

Now celebrating its 12th year, Voice in a Million presents an opportunity of a lifetime for school children from all backgrounds throughout the UK to come together united in song and perform in front of their own family and friends in what has been billed as ‘The World’s most spectacular school concert.’ Voice in a Million inspires pupils with an important message that raises awareness of the plight of children in care and the importance of Adoption and Fostering. For further information please follow this link Voice in a Million .

For pupils to attend the event there is a small registration fee plus a cost for transport to the arema. A parent/carer would need to attend the event and be responsible for transporting their child home. Tickets for family members are £26.50. T’shirts are also available for the children to buy at a cost of £12.99, purchase of these is optional.

Pupils who wish to take part would need to commit to rehearsing regularly leading up to the concert.

If your child would like to participate but has not already registered please contact Mrs Sopp at

School Disco

Santa's Postbox

Looking for a JOB

Class Assemblies

It's been a while since we've been able to invite you into school. We can't wait to invite you back into school to see your child's class assembly. We will continue to reduce the number of children we have together in the hall so will only move to 'whole school' assemblies once it is safe to do so. In the meanwhile, each class will host their class assembly to their parents and one or two other classes in the school hall. These will start at 8.55 - 9.20ish so please join us in the school hall on the day that your child's class assembly has been scheduled.

Reception - Wednesday 29th June Year 1 - Wednesday 16th March - London

Year 2 - Wednesday 23rd February Year 3 - Wednesday 30th March - Stone Age

Year 4 - Wednesday 22nd June Year 5 Indigo - Wednesday 2nd March - The Pharaohs

Year 5 Blue - Wednesday 25th May - Greeks Year 6 - Wednesday 9th March - The Heart

Year 1 Trip to the rural life centre

On Monday, Year 1 had a exciting day visiting the Rural Life Centre. Children enjoyed experiencing Victorian School Life and learning about how schools have changed over time. Children discovered what jobs were completed around the house before electricity and they worked together to make an amazing wheel!


Inclusion Coffee Morning


When: Thursday 9th of December 2021 at 9am

Where: The school hall

Who is it for: This coffee morning is for parents who have a child at Byfleet to learn more about Inclusion at our school. It will be a great opportunity to meet our new Inclusion Lead Mrs Sharkey-Yun, who will explain the provision and support we have in place for children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilties), and how we track and monitor their progress.

There won't be a chance to discuss your child's indivdual support and provision during the coffee morning, but if you have any additional questions you will be able to book a further appointment with Mrs Sharkey-Yun.

EPIC Reading

  • EPIC is a free online reading resource which children can gain access to thousands of high-quality books & videos from 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. Monday -Friday

  • All classes have a class code and can sign in by following this link:

  • There are many high-interest topics across languages & genres

  • Extra support with tools are available such as Read-To-Me and Dictionary Lookup

  • It is available on iPads, iPhones and Android devices, and on any computer, including Chromebooks

Year 5 Space Day

Year 5 enjoyed a topic day, learning about space. They had a virtual reality session where they were able to travel to various planets and learn more about our solar system. The children really impressed us with their knowledge, well done everyone!

Diary Dates

  • Monday 29th November - Y4 Junk Percussion Workshop

  • Friday 3rd December - Y2 Windsor Castle Trip

  • Friday 3rd December - Xmas Disco & Wear a Christmas Jumper Day

  • Monday 6th December - Whole School Carol Concert 9.05 - 10.05am & 1.45 - 2.45pm

  • Tuesday 7th December - Whole School Carol Concert 1.45 - 2.45pm & 6 - 7pm

  • Thursday 9th December - Inclusion Coffee morning for parents 9am-10am

  • Friday 10th December - Christmas Pi Run - Friends of Byfleet fundraiser 1pm - 2pm

  • Tuesday 14th December - School Christmas Dinner Day (wear a Christmas jumper/hat) Class Christmas Parties

  • Friday 17th December - End of Autumn term

  • Tuesday 4th January - INSET 3

  • Wednesday 5th January - Start of Spring term

  • Monday 24th to Wednesday 26th January - Travelling Book Fair

  • Wednesday 23rd February - Year 2 Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 2nd March - Year 5 Indigo Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 9th March - Year 6 Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 16th March - Year 1 Class Assembly

  • Friday 25th March - VIP Lady Day

  • Tuesday 29th March - Spring Parents' Evening (1pm - 5pm)

  • Wednesday 30th March - Year 3 Class Assembly

  • Thursday 31st March - Spring Parents' Evening (3.15 - 6pm)

  • Friday 1st April - End of Spring Term

  • Tuesday 19th April - INSET 4

  • Wednesday 20th April - Start of Summer term

  • w/c Monday 9th May - Year 6 SATs

  • Wednesday 25th May - Year 5 Blue Class Assembly

  • Friday 27th May - Half Term

  • Monday 6th June - INSET 5

  • Friday 17th June - VIP Man Day

  • Wednesday 22nd June - Year 4 Class Assembly

  • Thursday 23rd June - Reception and KS1 Sports' Day

  • Friday 24th June - KS2 Sports' Day

  • Wednesday 29th June - Reception Class Assembly

  • Friday 8th July - Reports out to parents

  • Monday 18th July - Wednesday 20th July 2022 - Y6 Residential

  • Friday 22nd July - Year 6 Leavers' Celebration Assembly

Term Dates 2021-22.pdf

To view 2021/22 school dates, please click here.

With the darker afternoons, it's really starting to feel a lot like Christmas now. We are looking forward to a collaboration of singing at our Byfleet Carol Concert on Monday 6th and Tuesday the 7th December. We've also added two more fun days for our families to visit Byfleet for our VIP Lady Day and VIP Man Day to coincide with Mothers' and Fathers' Day this year.

Kind regards,

Mrs Meyrick - Headteacher