Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

  • Welcome back to our second newsletter for this academic year. We've had a wonderful start to the year and pleased to see the children looking smart in their school uniform on non-PE days.

  • Year 3, 4 and 5 started having their weekly ukulele music lessons with Mr Asif this week and it's been great hearing the progress the children made over the course of last year. Mr Asif offers guitar, ukulele and keyboard lessons so please be in touch with the office for further information if you wish for your child to access these peripatetic music lessons during the school day.

  • Some Year 5s had a wonderful time at Greenfields School last week, where they took part in The Diana Anti-bullying Ambassador training and we've had a flurry of trip paper work recently with Year 5 and 6 Steam Thorpe Park trip and Year 2s Wisley Gardens trip shortly taking place.

  • Thank you to the parents who have kindly donated tissues and we've continued to receive some exciting class books from our Amazon Wish List this week - every little helps so thank you for your kindness.

  • With Harvest festival just around the corner, please see the section in the newsletter about donations.

  • A quick reminder that full school uniform (including black shoes) should be work on non-PE days. Children should wear their PE kits to school on their allocated PE days. Plain black tracksuits only please as we've noticed a range of slogans on sweatshirts, which is not permitted. On days where there are sports clubs after school, children should wear full school uniform to school and change into their kits at the end of the day.

  • We are excited to be able to announce that our Chartwells lunch order APP is almost ready to be launched in a few weeks time. You will be able to discuss the menu with your children and order their lunches at home, for your convenience.

  • The roof works continue to be underway and we are on track to have this work completed by November. We can't wait for our school to finally be water-tight!

  • Children in KS 2 are welcome to bring in a piece of fruit for their morning snack.

  • Reception and Year 1 parents, please feel free to attend Mrs Sherlock's Little Wandle early reading Workshop next week Thursday 29th September at 8.50 in the school hall.

  • Next week Wednesday 28th September our children will have their school individual photographs taken.

  • Please look out for information from our Friends of BPS 'Disco' in the newsletter below.

Stars of the Week

Reception Rainbow Whole Class Nathan M

Year 1 Red Connor W Tom W

Year 2 Orange Taylor Amelie W

Year 3 Yellow Harry K Zaynab

Year 4 Green Mia A Frankie Kevin Jack A

Year 5 Indigo Lilly Florrie

Year 6 Blue Ameleigh-Rose W Max P

Year 6 Violet Clarisse M Oli R

Who are our House captains?

We are incredibly proud of our Year 6s who bravely put themselves forward and prepared a speech, which they delivered to their house teams, outlining their pledges for their teams.

The children took a democratic vote and the winners were announced in our assembly. A big well done to all of the children who took part and congratulations to our winners. We've already seen these leaders carry out some jobs around school, modelling excellent behaviour and strong organisation. Well done everyone!

Falcons (red)

Captain: Kiki Patel

Vice Captains: Cace Blight and Freyer Harper

Hawks (blue)

Captain: Eleanor Potter

Vice Captains: Alfie Jones and George Davies

Eagles (green)

Captain: Emiliana (Mimi) Saetta

Vice Captains: Matilda Wells and Isla Turner

Kestrels (yellow)

Captain: Oliver Richardson

Vice Captains: Cameron Dallas and Connie Craig

Doodle Maths Sensation.......

A huge well done to William Olds in Year 6 for achieving a tremendous accomplishment - he has logged onto his Doodle Maths account and completed 20 mins of more of Doodle for a whopping 367 days!

What terrific perseverance and it looks like you have a great routine in place!

How does Doodle Maths work?

  • All children in Year 2 - 6 have a Doodle log on.

  • Your child's log on is inside their reading diary.

  • Once logged on, you can set a parent email account so that you can monitor how your child is progressing in Doodle. You can also set key work for them if you feel they need more practise on a specific maths area.

  • We aim for the children to spend about 20 - 40 minutes on Doodle each day to keep in the 'green' zone.

  • We also use Doodle in school but our curriculum time is jam-packed so we encourage children to also access this at home.

We have seen some terrific improvements in our children's maths outcomes since starting to use this programme so we are hoping to see more families use this at home.

Quiz Club is back

Quiz Club is back!

We have registered for KS 2 to take part in the national Quiz Club competition again this year, following the huge success of our teams last year (we came 13th in the country in the General Knowledge Championship and made it to the finals!)

We'll be carrying out class competitions in the next few weeks (Year 5/6 in Science and Year 3 - 6 for General Knowledge) to work out who our top scorers are to form our teams of 4.

Good luck everyone!

Byfleet Harvest Festival

Every year we think of those less privileged than us and we offer food donations to the Woking Food Bank. We will advise all parents/carers closer to the time what food items they require.

Collections will start from Monday, 10th October and the deadline for collection is we will be Wednesday, 19th October 2022.

Woking Food Bank currently need the following items on their website: Donate Food

Reception Rainbows - Self portraits

Reception class have painted some wonderful self portraits.....can you guess who is who???


School Uniform

Most of our children are looking very smart in their new uniform on non-PE days.

Just a reminder that KS 2 children (Year 3 - 6) should wear a white shirt and tie in the winter months. In Reception and KS 1, the children wear yellow polo shirts. Please see details below.

Our Byfleet Friends have ample 'pre-loved' uniform so please contact the office if you wish to pick up a bargain.

Pupil Special Leave of absence Requests

At time, parents may need to take their children out of school for exceptional circumstances. During term time, it is important that we are aware of the whereabouts of all of the children who are on roll with us, for safeguarding purposes.

Please could you help us monitor this by completing a 'Special Leave of Absence Request' form for all anticipated absences.

This is a reminder that all special leave of absence requests must be completed and returned to the school office no later that two full working days prior to the event. The form can be found on our website under Attendance and Absence: Application for Leave of Absence for Exceptional Circumstances

Rainbow Class - CAke Sale, 29th September

Year 5 Princess Diana Anti-bullying ambassador programme

On Tuesday 13th September we were lucky enough to take a group of Year 5 students to Greenfield Primary School to take part in The Princess Diana Trust's Anti Bullying Ambassador training.

Throughout the day the children learnt strategies on how to support someone who might be experiencing bullying behaviour, including what language to use and what steps to take.

They completed a series of workshop exercises which helped them recognise when someone might be feeling upset due to experiencing bullying behaviour and how best to support them. They received a badge and certificate when they completed the training and will be furthering their role throughout this year.

Spelling Shed

Spelling Shed is a fantastic online resource we have invested in to help our children from Year 2-6 embed their spelling knowledge.

Each child has a weekly set of spellings to learn and they can practise these on Spelling Shed through assignments set by teachers or through choosing ways to practise them themselves.

It's also a great way to continue revising spellings from previous weeks, terms and years.

Children so far have found it a fun, helpful and engaging way to help them with their spellings! Teachers have given children their logins but if there are any problems logging on at home please let your class teacher know. Enjoy!

Breakfast & After School Clubs

  • Breakfast and afterschool clubs are run by the school. The clubs are non-profit making and the fees are used to run the clubs. Fees are paid via our online SCOPAY payment system (and Childcare Vouchers can also be used) and are bookable in advance only.

  • The clubs are booked half-termly and need to be booked 48 hours in advance. Once you have booked these sessions they may only be cancelled if more than 48 hours notice has been provided. Any spare spaces or ‘late bookings’ may be booked on an ad hoc basis where we are able to accommodate this with the correct staffing ratios, however this will incur an additional admin fee of £2 per session, per child. Bookings will need to be paid for at the time of booking using SCOPAY. Please note, we run a cashless office so unfortunately cannot accept any cash - all bookings are to be made online please.

  • For more information, please see our website.

School Lunches - Chartwells

What is great about Chartwells?

  • They provide nutritious delicious food for healthy bodies and minds

  • Food is freshly prepared everyday on our school premises - all dishes are prepared on site in our new kitchen

  • We have our own qualified chef

  • The menus are seasonal, using carefully selected ingredients. You will find the weekly menus on the school website

  • Parents will be able to order their child's food via Scopay before the end of this term

Online Safety

  • Did you know, the age-rating for Whatsapp is 16? Many of our children now have smart phones and utilising social media has become an everyday occurrence for them. Please remember to monitor what apps your child is accessing to ensure we can keep them safe online.

  • In the Autumn term, the children focus on 'Online Safety' in the computing curriculum. We have been learning about 'What a Digital Footprint is'. We have discussed the importance of being kind online and only share appropriate information and photos. The children have been reminded that even if they delete a message, it can always be retrieved, so it's important to always do the right thing when they are online!

Friends of Byfleet -AGM 29th September 2022

Please find details of the Friends of Byfleet AGM on Thursday, 29th September 2022 at 8pm in the school hall. For full details please find a link to further information - AGM details

Year 5 Collaboration in Pshe

Year 5 have been looking at collaboration in PSHE. They built the tallest tower with 8 sheets of paper and sellotape.

They learnt about listening, taking turns, being patient, sharing and most importantly, valuing others' contributions.


Please could you help our funding go the extra mile and help us by donating a box of tissues

We also need some beanbags for our ELSA room for the children to sit on.

Every little helps!

Drop off & Pick Up - Parking

As per our last newsletter, for school drop off and pick up, parents or carers should be respectful of our neighbours' driveways.

  • no parking over any driveways

  • turning around on any driveways

  • no parking on pavements

  • no parking at anytime in front of the school

Remember to drive slowly down Kings' Head Lane and do not block the entrance to the school or the care home.

We are receiving an increasing number of phone calls and emails from parents and neighbours asking us to intervene as parents are parking across their driveways or driving / parking erratically, so we politely ask that you help us out.

We have been asked to post photographs of parents who have parked inconsiderately. We do not wish to use a punitive approach however there are the same parents who are repeatedly flaunting our requests.

Please do send in any photographs you wish for us to add to our newsletter if you feel parking continues to be a concern.

Please do not stop your car in front of the school gates to drop your child off. This is very dangerous for the families walking in to school.

School lunches - Dinner Debt

Please ensure that you check your child's Scopay account for any monies owed for school lunches.

Secondary School Admissions - Year 6 Parents

An exciting time for our Year 6 pupils............Just a reminder to all year 6 parents to register your child's Year 7 school placement. Deadline is 31st October 2022 via Surrey County Council's website. Further details can be found here.

FullBrook OPen MORNINg - YEAR 5/6


Please spread the word.....

We still have two Open Days for prospective new parents coming up - Monday, 3rd October & Thursday, 3rd November

Class Assemblies

Class Assemblies for 22/23 will take place on the dates below from 8.55 - 9.20 in main hall. Please come along and see what your child has been learning about:

25th November - Year 6V 9th December - Year 4

27th January - Year 3 3rd March - Year 6B

17th March - Year 2 12th May - Year 1

9th June - Year 5 23rd June - Reception

Ultimate Coaching - Half Term CAmps

Please find booking links for Ultimate Coaching for their camps over the October Half Term

Bookings can be made at: (24th & 25th October multi sports camp) (26th October football camp) (31st October Spooky Sports camp- Inset day)

Little City Role Play Adventures

From this Friday, multi award winning children's group is coming to Byfleet Methodist Church, Rectory Lane, KT14 7LL. They provide 10 roleplay areas for the little ones to discover that supplement the children's EYFS learning.

The Big Summer Survey

Children's Commissioner for England has launched, the Big Summer Survey. It is a national conversation with children in England about their experiences over the summer holidays.

The Big Summer Survey forms part of their Independent Review into family life which will inform the Government about the best ways to support families across the country, including what role schools can play.

The Big Summer Survey will close on 21st October.

Rotary Club of Woking - SWIMAThon

Please see the Woking Rotary 2022 Swimathon being held on Sunday, 2nd October 2022.

Top Doodler of the Week

This term we are focusing on times tables so don't forget to click the X on Doodle so you can practise your fluency. Remember to log on for 15 - 20 minutes each day and complete as many questions as you can!

Year 2 Orange Jack 246

Year 3 Yellow Andrew 202

Year 4 Green Kurt 461 Sophia 149

Year 5 Indigo Katherine 412

Our top spot winner is Katherine with 412 stars!

Diary Dates

New dates in red

  • Wednesday 28th September - Individual School Photos (all year groups in full school uniform please)

  • Thursday 29th September - Little Wandle Phonics/Early Reading Workshop for parents - 8.50 - 9.50am

  • Thursday 29th September - Reception Class Cake Sale 3.05 in the hall

  • Monday 3rd October - Open Day 2 11- 12pm

  • Tuesday 4th October - Year 5 and 6 Science STEAM Thorpe Park trip

  • Wednesday 5th October - Fantastic Fred Experience (live mental health performance)

  • Wednesday 5th October - Year 6 Parent Residential Meeting 5.30 - 6.15pm

  • Friday 9th October - National Poetry Day for all children

  • Monday 10th October - Whole school Tray Day 1 - 3.05 - 4.30pm - come and visit your child's classroom

  • Monday 10th October to Friday 14th October - Year 6 Bikeability

  • Monday 10th October to Wednesday 19th October - Harvest Festival Collections

  • Tuesday 18th October - Parents' Evening 2.30 - 5.30pm

  • Thursday 20th October - Parents' Evening 3.05 - 6pm

  • Monday 31st October - INSET 2

  • Thursday 10th November - SEND Parent Workshop 8.50 - 9.50am. All year groups' parents welcome.

  • Friday 4th November - Dog Safety Assembly for the whole school. Don't forget to ask your child what they've learnt about Dog Safety afterwards.....

  • Monday 14th November - Anti-bullying 'Odd Socks' Day (start of Anti-bullying Week)

  • Tuesday 15th November - Reciprocal Reading (comprehension) parent workshop 8.50 - 9.30am

  • Friday 16th December - Last day of term - 1pm finish

  • Tuesday 17th January - Maths Calculations Policy parent workshop for all year groups 8.50 - 9.30am

  • Careers' Week - 23rd January - we will send out information shortly requesting parents who wish to share their careers with our children to come in and take part in our Careers' Week

  • Monday 6th February - Whole school Tray Day 2 - 3.05 - 4.30pm - come and visit your child's classroom

  • Friday 10th February - INSET Day 3

  • Monday 20th February - Safer Internet Day

  • Thursday 9th March - SEND Parent workshop 8.50 - 9.50am. Parents from all year groups are welcome.

  • Monday 13th March - British Science Week whole school event

  • Tuesday 21st March - Parents' Evening 2.30 - 5.30pm

  • Thursday 23rd March - Parents' Evening 3.05 - 6pm

  • Friday 31st March - Last day of term - 1pm finish

  • Monday 17th April - INSET 4

  • Thursday 18th May - SEND Parent Workshop 8.50 - 9.50. Parents from all year groups are welcome.

  • Thursday 25th May - Byfleet Annual Family Picnic on the field - everyone welcome.

  • Diversity Week - 25th May

  • Friday 26th May - INSET 5

  • Thursday 29th June - Reception and KS 1 Sports Day (contingency 6th July)

  • Friday 30th June - KS 2 Sports Day (contingency 7th July)

  • Friday 7th July - End of year pupil reports sent home

  • Monday 10th July - Whole School Tray Day 3 - 3.05 - 4.30pm

  • Friday 21st July - Last day of term 1pm finish

To view our 2022/23 term dates, please click here.

To view our 23/24 term dates, please click here.

The same child in both photos. The only difference is how they're dressed.

As we approach shorter daylight hours, whether you walk, cycle, use public transport or drive, make sure you have been seen. Just remember the nights are drawing in.