Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

  • We hope you enjoyed visiting your child's classroom during our Tray Day last week. A big thank you to our FRIENDS PTA for organising a brilliant disco for our children - they had a super time, so did the teachers!

  • A big well done to Year 6 for taking part in Bikeability, learning how to safely cycle on our busy roads and they trialled out learning to cycle to their new secondary schools.

  • Thank you to the parents who attended Parents' Evening this week, finding out more about your child's progress and sharing their next steps. Miss Vallins' Rainbow class meetings have remained the same time but on Thursday 3rd November.

  • Thank you for the Harvest food donations that you've sent in so far - what a wonderfully kind community we are. We can't wait to pass this on to Woking Food Bank.

  • The roof works continue to be underway and we are on track to have this work completed by 18th November. We are looking forward to our school finally being water-tight as we go into winter!

  • Don't forget it's an INSET day on Monday 31st October - the children return to school on Tuesday 1st November.

  • After half term, we will be introducing a new format for weekly homework in KS 2, linked to some of the computer apps we use (Doodle, Reading Plus & Spelling Shed). These will be sent out on in the first week back and also added to Google Classroom.

  • A big thank you to the families who donated bean bags and cushions for our ELSA support room! Senora Wyatt is very grateful and the ELSA room is looking awesome as a result!

  • You may recall on Thursday 6th October Chartwell's supported us in running an American themed lunch for the government’s termly education Census day. Many of you may not realise that the funding we receive from the Government towards our UFSM (Universal Free School Meals) is based on the uptake numbers reported in the October and January Census. This themed day was a huge success! Our meal uptake increased by 17% securing us an additional £6,868.50 in funding! Thank you and we look forward to another fund-filled lunch in January.

  • We have several old laptops going spare in the office - if you need a device for your child's Doodle, Spelling Shed or Reading Plus, please liaise with the office and we'll hand one over to you. They are very old but we're sure you will still be able to use them!


  • Attendance is everybody's business and we are working hard to make sure that all staff are helping us ensure our children are in school as much as possible.

  • Our class with the highest attendance each month gets to sit on the benches in assembly. Well done to Year 3 Yellow Class for being October winners!

Our Attendance Winners:

September: Year 5 (97.4%) October: Year 3 (96.81%)

Our whole school target is 96%. Please help us by ensuring your child comes to school everyday unless they are unwell!

Persistent Absence

Any attendance below 90% is classified as 'persistent absence'.

At the end of Summer 2 2022, there were 45 children on persistent absence watch.

At the end of Autumn 1 2022, there are 30 children on persistent absence watch.

We have communicated with these 30 families to see how we can further help and support them to ensure all children's attendance reaches our 96% target.

Flu vaccinations

Following on from our communication sent on 6th September please be reminded that the annual flu vaccinations are due to be carried out in school on Thursday 3rd November 2022 for any pupil from Reception to Year 6. If you haven’t already done so, Please complete the e-consent form by 4pm on Friday 28th October 2022 by visiting:

· and entering your school’s unique code SR124999

· If you do not want your child to receive a vaccine then please fill in the ‘No’ box.

If you have previously consented and wish to withdraw consent, could you please email to advise.

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children for being recognised for doing something brilliant this fortnight......

Reception Rainbow Ralph J, Luna C

Year 1 Red Freddie, Sienna

Year 2 Orange Armani, Rachel

Year 3 Yellow Belle, Ayaan

Year 4 Green Maizee, Finn

Year 5 Indigo Preston

Year 6 Blue Roheena

Year 6 Violet Isla, Jessica

Linking parent accounts to doodle maths @ home

Parents of Year 2 - 6

We continue to work hard to encourage your children to use their Doodle Maths log on at home daily so they can stay in the 'green' zone by doing about 10 -20 minutes of maths each day.

We have noticed that fewer children are taking time to log on to Doodle at home and we'd like to reignite the children's excitement to log on and 'doodle' each day. Log on details can be found inside your child's reading diary. To download the Doodle app, find out more here.

By linking your child's school Doodle account to your personal email, you will be able to monitor how they use Doodle and will be able to add lessons that you wish your child to focus on more at home, if you spot any particular area of weakness.

Please click here to find the article on how you can 'link' your child's account to your email at home. This will transform how your child uses Doodle to its full capacity.

If you have any questions related to Doodle, please speak to your child's class teacher.

Happy doodling!

Reading Plus Programme @ home

We've seen an increase in our Year 3 - 6 pupils accessing Reading Plus at home this week, since adding this to our last news letter! This is great news!

Log on details can be found inside your child's reading diary.

There is also a Writing section available to help develop your child's writing based on what they have read. Look out for this at the top right of their screen.

From Autumn 2, we have incorporated Reading Plus as part of Year 3 - 6s weekly homework.

Reading Plus Home Learning Guide for Families.pdf

A New Curriculum at Byfleet - The 3Ps Curriculum

We have been working hard throughout the start of the autumn term to develop bespoke curriculum for our children. We have used Staff Development Meetings to consider the key drivers of intent for the designing and shaping of our new curriculum. Locality, challenge and engagement were some key components for shaping our curriculum content along with ensuring the National Curriculum is being taught effectively. To allow the curriculum to provide depth and breadth of knowledge alongside confidence in skill acquisition and application we will be using an approach called The 3Ps. Each topic the children learn will have an important Person, Place and Point attached to it. These are The 3Ps and will be used to provide a memorable hook for the children, and ensure their learning is bespoke for them. Their challenge is for the children to learn The 3Ps for their topic each half term, and then continue to learn them as they move through the school, therefore building on their general knowledge from one half term to the next.

For more information on the construction, design and intent behind the curriculum development we will be running a Curriculum Workshop for parents on Friday 18th November at 9:00am.


This week we had parents evening and all children on the SEND register will have been able to book a longer session so the teacher could share their child's SEND support plan and pupil overview document. We hope this was helpful and supported you in understanding the different waves of support your child is receiving in school.

Please see this letter sent out on Monday 17th October for parents with children on the SEND register: SEND support LETTER

Family Learning November Online Courses Flyer.pdf

Please see the information about some parent courses that may be useful for helping you support your child at home. There are courses to help you learn more avout supporting your child with reading, and also a range od courses for supporting your child's well-being and managing your child's behaviours.

To book please scan the QR code, email or call the family learning centre using the details on the flyer.

You will find additional information on the website:

Learning in Reception

In reception we have began our practice reading sessions! We have been busy learning all our new phonemes and graphemes to help us read, blend, and segment words, and now we can put our learning to the test in our exciting reading sessions.

The children have been loving their groups (named after book characters) and our self-choosing book corner in our class. Our love of reading in Rainbows is superb. We are all so proud of the children for being so enthusiastic and excited about phonics and reading... what a brilliant start to the year!

Year 1 Learning

In year 1 we have been planning our stories based on "On The Way Home" by Jill Murphy. The class have been enthusiastically creating their own characters and reasons they ended up with a hurt knee. We have been focusing on using some great adjectives to describe our characters. There have been some particularly inventive ones involving spiders' webs, robots and tomatoes.

In Maths we have been learning about addition, subtraction and forming number fact families.

The class has been having fun in art making a variety of self portraits. They have been making and painting their own papier-mache heads.

Little Wandle Phonics

We have exciting news to share with our Reception and Y1 parents! We have subscribed to the Collins ebook library which will allow you to access your child's reading book online. All login details and information about this great website will be given to you after half term.

National Poetry Day Competition -

National Poetry Day was Thursday 6th October but at BPS, and the children at BPS enjoyed celebrating POETRY all week between Monday 3rd - Friday 7th October.

We ended off that week with a wonderful poetry sharing assembly so don't forget to ask your child to perform their class poem at home to you and see if they can remember it.

As part of this week, we are encouraging our children to take part in a poetry writing competition for our children aged 7+.

If you care about nature or protecting the planet, we’ve got the competition for you.

Greenpeace’s first Poems for the Planet competition, in collaboration with National Poetry Day, invites you to put your poetry hat on. They'd like to read your lively limericks, heartful haikus and polished prose on the theme of hope and the environment.

For this year’s National Poetry competition, explore the beauty of the natural world around us and the need to protect the planet. We’d love to read about whatever inspires you to write a poem for the planet.

Click here to find out more about entering Greenpeace's poetry competition.

Competition closes on 1st December at midnight!

Pupil Special Leave of absence Requests

At time, parents may need to take their children out of school for exceptional circumstances. During term time, it is important that we are aware of the whereabouts of all of the children who are on roll with us, for safeguarding purposes.

Please could you help us monitor this by completing a 'Special Leave of Absence Request' form for all anticipated absences.

This is a reminder that all special leave of absence requests must be completed and returned to the school office no later that two full working days prior to the event. The form can be found on our website under Attendance and Absence: Application for Leave of Absence for Exceptional Circumstances

Reading Awards

Daily Reading

Children who read books regularly at age 10 and more than once a week at age 16 gain higher results in maths, vocabulary and spelling tests at age 16 than those who read less regularly. Reading helps change lives!

Each child can earn Reading Awards for reading daily.

Bronze = 50 reads Silver = 100 reads

Gold = 150 reads Platinum = 180 reads

We attend school for 190 days a year. We aim for children to read x5 per week to allow them to reach the 180 Platinum mark. This could include the weekend if they can't fit in 5 reads during the busy week.

We will only count one reading 'entry' per day in your child's reading to count towards their award but please feel free to record all the reads completed per day if you wish.

Our policy outlines that children read everyday so please help them achieve this by making time to record their reading in their diaries each night. Children from Year 3 upwards are independent enough to record this themselves so please continue to encourage them to do so!

We look forward to handing out some of our first BRONZE awards after half term around week 2, once we hit the 50 school day mark for this academic year!

We wonder which child will be the first to be awarded their Bronze Reading Award for 50 reads???

Reading Volunteers

If you are keen to become a Reading Volunteer and offer up an hour or more a week in a dedicated slot to read with our children, please register your interest here and Mrs Sherlock, our phonics lead, will be in touch to arrange this.

  • All volunteers in school will require a DBS

  • If you previously worked as a reading volunteer at BPS, please reregister your interest and we'll be in touch

SATs Assistance website

Here is a link to help those in Year 2 and Year 6 in the run-up to next year's SATs:

PSHE @ BPS with Coram SCARF

At BPS, we use a programme called SCARF as part of our Personal, Social Health Education.

In PSHE, we have been looking at the unit called 'Me and my relationships.'

We have learned to collaborate, work together and play together.

The children have been looking at what it takes to have good mental health, as well as good physical health and we had a visit from 'Fantastic Fred!' F for food, R for rest, E for exercise and D for devices. The children (and staff) loved this funny and informative visit.

Next half term, the unit is 'Valuing Difference' where we look at stereotypes, being happy just being ourselves and the people we share our world with.

Uniform Sales

Mike Wagstaff, our uniform supplier will be visiting the school the first Tuesday back after half term, which is the 1st November 2022. If you have any queries please contact him via email :

Secondary School Admissions - Year 6 Parents

An exciting time for our Year 6 pupils............Just a reminder to all year 6 parents to register your child's Year 7 school placement. Deadline is 31st October 2022 via Surrey County Council's website. Further details can be found here.


Our last open day is Thursday, 3rd November.

We only have a handful of spaces left before we are fully subscribed in all year groups!

Class Assemblies

Class Assemblies for 22/23 will take place on the dates below from 8.55 - 9.20 in main hall. Please come along and see what your child has been learning about:

25th November - Year 6V 9th December - Year 4

27th January - Year 3 3rd March - Year 6B

17th March - Year 2 12th May - Year 1

9th June - Year 5 23rd June - Reception

Ultimate Coaching - Half Term CAmps

Please find booking links for Ultimate Coaching for their camps over the October Half Term

Bookings can be made at: (24th & 25th October multi sports camp) (26th October football camp) (31st October Spooky Sports camp- Inset day)

Pleiades holiday Camps

Staines Hockey Club - Hockey camp

Raring2Go! Magazine

Children's Commissioner for England has launched, the Big Summer Survey. It is a national conversation with children in England about their experiences over the summer holidays.

The Big Summer Survey forms part of their Independent Review into family life which will inform the Government about the best ways to support families across the country, including what role schools can play.

The Big Summer Survey will close on 21st October.

Top Doodler of the Week

Well done to Year 2 for having the highest Doodle stars this week!

We aim for each class to earn at least 1800 stars each week.

Each child's target is 60 stars per week x 30 child = 1800!

Please help your child log on regularly and practise at home to earn their 60 stars each week!

Diary Dates

New dates in red

  • Monday 31st October - INSET 2

  • Thursday 3rd November - Flu vaccinations for Reception to Y6

  • Thursday 10th November - SEND Parent Workshop 8.50 - 9.50am. All year groups' parents welcome.

  • Friday 4th November - Dog Safety Assembly for the whole school. Don't forget to ask your child what they've learnt about Dog Safety afterwards.....

  • Monday 14th November - Anti-bullying 'Odd Socks' Day (start of Anti-bullying Week)

  • Tuesday 15th November - Reciprocal Reading (comprehension) parent workshop 8.50 - 9.30am

  • Friday 18th November - BPS Bespoke 3Ps Curriculum parent workshop 8.50 - 9.30am (all year groups' parents welcome)

  • Friday 16th December - Last day of term - 1pm finish

  • Tuesday 17th January - Maths Calculations Policy parent workshop for all year groups 8.50 - 9.30am

  • Careers' Week - 23rd January - we will send out information shortly requesting parents who wish to share their careers with our children to come in and take part in our Careers' Week

  • Monday 6th February - Whole school Tray Day 2 - 3.05 - 4.30pm - come and visit your child's classroom

  • Friday 10th February - INSET Day 3

  • Monday 20th February - Safer Internet Day

  • Thursday 9th March - SEND Parent workshop 8.50 - 9.50am. Parents from all year groups are welcome.

  • Monday 13th March - British Science Week whole school event

  • Tuesday 21st March - Parents' Evening 2.30 - 5.30pm

  • Thursday 23rd March - Parents' Evening 3.05 - 6pm

  • Friday 31st March - Last day of term - 1pm finish

  • Monday 17th April - INSET 4

  • Thursday 18th May - SEND Parent Workshop 8.50 - 9.50. Parents from all year groups are welcome.

  • Thursday 25th May - Byfleet Annual Family Picnic on the field - everyone welcome.

  • Diversity Week - 25th May

  • Friday 26th May - INSET 5

  • Thursday 29th June - Reception and KS 1 Sports Day (contingency 6th July)

  • Friday 30th June - KS 2 Sports Day (contingency 7th July)

  • Friday 7th July - End of year pupil reports sent home

  • Monday 10th July - Whole School Tray Day 3 - 3.05 - 4.30pm

  • Friday 21st July - Last day of term 1pm finish

Why not download the Optimistic October - Action for Happiness Calendar :

To view our 2022/23 term dates, please click here.

To view our 23/24 term dates, please click here.

The same child in both photos. The only difference is how they're dressed.

As we approach shorter daylight hours, whether you walk, cycle, use public transport or drive, make sure you have been seen. Just remember the nights are drawing in.