Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Ready   -   Respectful   -   Safe

Always Growing, Ready for Life

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

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Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children for being recognised for doing something brilliant this fortnight......

Reception Rainbow    Clara  Olivia 

Year 1 Red                   Chester   Juno  

Year 2 Orange             Lucas   Albert      

Year 3 Yellow               Thea   Rory        

Year 4 Green                Hari     Belle

Year 5 Indigo                Luke     Leah               

Year 6 Violet                Abel   Isabel    

120Well done to these children for scoring the highest Doodle Stars in their class  for the past two weeks!

Year 1 Red  Cattleya 378    Evie 335

Year 2 Orange  Freddie 384  Eva 26

Year 3 Yellow      Erza 437  Oscar 531

Year 4 Green      Isabelle     Dalia

Year 5  Indigo   Evie  120         Connor 132

Year 6 Violet      Isabel 400     Johal  215

Oscar has the most Doodle stars, with 531 Doodle stars!!

Byfleet christmas lights switch on

It was lovely to see so many of our families, and KS2 children attending the Byfleet Christmas Lights Switch On! What an amazing event filled with festive spirit. 

Well done to all the children who sang beautifully accompanied by the Ukulele band, We are very proud of you all. What a fantastic start to our festive celebrations. 

We look forward to Reception Rainbows and Year 1 and 2 hosting their nativity play soon......

Letter from the King

Last year our wonderful Rainbow Reception children, who are now in Year 1, painted some beautiful portraits of our new King. Miss Vallins sent these to Buckingham Palace to show our new King how talented our BPS artists are. 

We were delighted to have received a royal response from King Charles and Camilla. 

Well done Year 1s!

Year 1 Learning

This half term we have been learning about traditional tales. We have been doing some brilliant writing based around the story of Cinderella. 

The children have been making great predictions about what they think will happen in parts of the story. My favourite has been that Cinderella and the mice will eat the pumpkin. 

We are just beginning to look at how to write invitations, keep an eye out for something arriving in year 1 post boxes. It might have something to do with the 24th.

Fire Service visit to Year 2

This week Year 2 enjoyed a visit from Natasha, a fire officer. We learnt more about the great fire of London and how the fire service started. Children enjoyed learning about the tools fire fighters used and the equipment their fire engine contains. 

Year 2 found out more about the jobs of a fire officer:

We were able to order the events of a fire and what they should do if they saw a fire, we repeated the message "Get out, stay out, call 999!" Children also practised calling the fire service and children were encouraged children to learn their address or street name. 

Fire Service visit to Year 5

Last Thursday Year 5 took part in a fire safety session led by Surrey Fire and Rescue Service. As part of their prevention work, they visit schools to teach children and young people key fire safety skills. 

In the session, we covered:

o The Fiery 5 – common fire hazards at home

o The importance of working smoke alarms

o Fire Escape Plans – how to prepare to escape a fire

o Stop, Drop and Roll for clothing fires

How you can keep your family safe from fire:

In addition to discussing today’s session with your child, there are steps that you can take to ensure your family is safe from fire and prepared in case of an emergency.

Common fire hazards at home include:

Smoke alarms save lives

It is essential to have working smoke alarms in the home. We recommend having at least one per floor of the home, attached to the ceiling near the main exit routes, e.g. in the hallway. It is best to test your smoke alarm batteries weekly, and we have suggested your child schedules a time for this.

Making a Fire Escape Plan 

Making a fire escape plan and practising it with your family means that everyone will be prepared in case of an emergency. Please help your child complete their fire escape plan worksheet and discuss how you would exit safely from each part of the house in case of a fire. Assign a designated safe meeting place outside and agree on a plan of what to do if you can’t escape. Encourage your child to learn their address in case they need to call 999.

Year 6 Assembly

Year 6 taught us about The Suffragette Movement in their assembly today. It is astounding to think that women were not allowed to vote or work in jobs like banking - just for being female in the early 1900! 

Their message was uplifting and reminded us all that we are fortunate to live in a modern society where fundamental British value allow equal right, like 'democracy'.  Well done Year 6s!

Year 6 raise funds for the Matthew Hackney Foundation

At BPS, we support two Charities: 

The Matthew Hackney Foundation (a local counselling charity) and Red Nose Day. 

Today was a special day for Year 6s who gifted their 'Fiver Challenge' enterprise money that they raised in the summer term, to Mrs Hackney, founder of The Matthew Hackney Foundation, in memory of her son, who used to attend BPS. 

Well done Year 6s for raising £271.23 for a good cause and giving back to our community.

Antibullying Charter Mark

Make A Noise - Anti-bullying workshop. Our 8 anti-bullying ambassadors from year 5 took part in a workshop to kick start the anti-bullying week with a bang. During the workshop they learnt a pledge to encourage change and had a go at writing their own poems alongside musical instruments to 'Make A Noise' and be heard. They also heard from other trained young people who shared their ideas on how to tackle bullying and make sure the school environment is inclusive. 


It is great to see our Year 5 Antibullying Ambassadors working so hard to make BPS a happier and safer place for all our children! 

We love their #Antibullying Pledge!

Odd Socks & Anti-bullying Week

  ANTI-BULLYING WEEK 2023: Make a Noise About Bullying

Anti-Bullying Week 2023 is organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. This year it took place  from 13th to 17th November 2023 and had the theme Make a Noise About Bullying. We started our Ant-Bullying Week by taking part in 'Odd Socks Day' on Monday 13th November, and holding a whole school assembly to introduce this year's theme and they activities that would be taking place at Byfleet. This Anti-Bullying Week we had discussions about what bullying means, how banter (teasing) can turn into something more hurtful, and what we can do to stop bullying if we see it. Every lunchtime Ms Wyatt ran a craft club for children to design anti-bullying posters and odd socks, and our anti-bullying ambassadors also got involved and led an amazing assembly too!


This is a day to celebrate that we are all unique! The day sends an important message to pupils that they should be allowed to be themselves free from bullying and helps us celebrate Anti-Bullying Week in a fun and positive way.

Quiz Club

Our quiz club team for the national science heats has been selected! Jack, Ethan, Lilly and Daniel from Years 5 and 6 are ready to put all their science knowledge to the test next week. Well done for scoring the highest points in your quiz heat! Wish them luck! 

Attendance & Punctuality

Attendance Winners:

It's been a great start to term with very few absences. Our target is 96% and I'm pleased to announce that attendance is currently 96.62% for the year.

There are currently 5 children with attendance below 90% at persistent absence, who have been sent a reminder letter. 

It was lovely to be able to send 7 of our families a big thank you message this week for much improved attendance, where previously their children we persistent absence! Some are now 98% or higher, which is fantastic! Thanks for working with us to ensure attendance is good!

Monthly Attendance winners:

September    98.85%      Year 2                  October     99.34%       Year 2

We hope Year 2 enjoy sitting on the benches during assembly as their reward.

Who will be November's winning class with the highest attendance?

Just to remind parents/carers that if they take their children out of school without authority for 5 or more days (which do not have to be consecutive) , they will be liable to receive a penalty notice.

Currently the amount payable under a penalty notice is £60.00 per parent/carer per child if paid within 21 days. Thereafter the amount increases to £120.00 if paid between 21 and 28 days. If the penalty notice remains unpaid after 28 days, the Local Authority will consider a prosecution in the Magistrates Court. Please note that penalty notices are issued per parent/carer per child so a family of two parents and two children will receive 4 penalty notices.

Please view our Attendance Policy here for further information.

Breakfast and After School Club Bookings

Please ensure that breakfast and after school club bookings are made 48 hours in advance. The Rainbows Club will not be able to accept late bookings i.e. on the day as staff cover is allocated in advance as well as group activities that are arranged for those pupils making use of this facility. 

Are you eligible for Universal Credit / Pupil Premium Funding?

Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools for pupils who have been registered as being entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years. Schools receive this funding to support their eligible pupils and narrow the attainment gap between them and their peers.  

If you are unsure if you qualify, complete the form and return it to Byfleet Primary and we will work with Surrey to check your eligibility.

Other Pupil Premiums are available to the school if parents or guardians meet the criteria. 

Free School Meals can be provided to pupils if parents/guardians meet the eligibility.

We urge you to complete this form even if your child does not take a school meal.

For any queries, please contact the school office via


Our School Council are on a mission to help us reduce the amount of plastic we use and waste at BPS. In the Spring term, we will be taking part in The Big Plastic Count and report our findings to parliament to ensure they help us do more to reduce the damage we are causing to our world. 

Interestingly, our bespoke 3Ps Curriculum in Year 3 and 4 in the Spring Term also focusses heavily on waste, pollution and being active global citizens to make small changes to make a big difference. Year 4 will be learning about The Mariana Trench (garbage patch in the ocean) and Year 3s will be learning about how one plastic bag can change a whole village's livelihood using the book 'One Plastic Bag'. 

Operation christmas child - Christmas  PRESENT SHOEBoxes

A very big thank you to all those children you brought in their present filled shoesboxes.  The Christmas shoeboxes are on their way to the Samaritan's Purse, spreading goodwill to a child in need.

What a wonderful community we are! 

Big thanks to Mrs Ritchie for organising this!

Courteous Parking Around the school

Reminder to all parents/carers : please be courteous of our neighbours in King's Head Lane and refrain from parking in front driveways in the mornings at drop off and during afternoons at pick up time.

Our local nursing home has sent us photos of cars that are perpetually blocking their driveway, which would be a major concern were an ambulance needed to tend to an elderly resident. 

Looking to recruit a swimming coach

We pride ourselves that every child at BPS has the opportunity to take part in swimming lessons in the summer term.

We are looking to recruit a swimming coach or company that would like to work with us. 

If you know of a fully qualified and insured coach/company who may be interested, please direct them to Mrs Scott in the admin team so that we can start preparing our arrangements for the summer term.   or call 01932 403 116

Little Wandle Phonics 

All about tricky words!

Our Reception children are beginning to learn 'tricky words' during their daily phonics lessons. Here is an explanation of why a tricky word is a tricky word!


"Reading for pleasure gives children the opportunity to use their imagination to explore new ideas, visit new places and meet new characters. Interestingly, reading for pleasure also improves children's well-being and empathy. It helps them to understand their own identity, and gives them an insight into the world and the views of others." -Oxford Owl

Here are some book recommendations for Y4!

Clubs for Autumn 2

Below are all the Clubs that are available for the second part of the Autumn Term 2023.  Don't forget to book via Scopay.

New COlour Kids Club - Open now to Year 1 & Year 2 (so covering Year 1 to Year 6)  


Lego Legends runs after school clubs at Byfleet Primary - if you are interested in enrolling your child, please liaise directly with the company.


Courses for Parents - Support to Understand Young People's Needs


There are a range of fully funded (Free) CACHE accredited Level 2 qualifications available to help better understand some key issues around young people's mental health and wellbeing, along with a range of other qualifications that may help with developing careers.


Please see below information on structure, criteria and how to express interest:


Course Information/Structure:

- Online E Learning Platform.

- Have a full 6-20 weeks to complete the course

- Assigned your own login details, can log in and out when you please

- Assigned your own tutor who will support you throughout and mark your work

- No Exams or Essays. All Q&A based. 

- Can complete as many as you would like, just one at a time. 

- Gain a Level 2 awarded certificate upon completion (GCSE Grade C equivalent)


Minimum Requirements to access the course:

- Aged 19 or above

- Not currently on a Government funded course (inc Apprenticeships) 

- Has been in EU/UK for the past 3 years


Subjects Available:



More Subjects Available: 


If you wish to find out more, please complete the following link and they'll be able to give you a call and talk you through how it works: 

If you would like a phone call regarding these Free Online Courses, please make contact with the following details: - 020 3923 4014

Parent Volunteers Wanted!

We requested some volunteers for the sensory garden - thank you to everyone who sent a response. My google forms currently have an issue which the IT support team are trying to fix - once this is completed I should be able to contact everyone (or I may need to create a new link!). 

Friends of Byfleet - Christmas Wreath Making workshop

Ultimate Coaching - ultimate Festive football fiesta

Ashford Hospital Community Day, Saturday 25th November 2023 


Class Assemblies 

Class Assemblies for 23/24 will take place on the dates below from  8.55 - 9.20 in the main hall. Please come along and see what your child has been learning about.      

Friday 1st December - Year 3        Friday 9th February - Year 5

Friday 8th March - Year 2            Friday 22nd March - Year 4

Friday 17th May - Year 1              Friday 21st June - Reception

Diary Dates

New dates in red

To view our 2023/24 term dates, please click here. 

To view our 2024/25 term dates, please click here.

Click here to find out more about the Clubs that are available for the second part of the Autumn Term 2023.