Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

Dear Parents/Carers,

  • We can't believe that we are already half way through our first half term at Byfleet. As the season is turning, there have been an above average number of children with coughs and vomiting that have caused them to not be well enough to attend school. Our whole school target for attendance is 97% and unfortunately we are below this at 96.01%.

  • Attendance:

Reception: 98.7% Year 1: 95.2% Year 2: 94.4% Year 3: 95.3% Year 4: 95.5% Year 5 Indigo: 93.6% Year 5 Blue: 98.5% Year 6: 94.8%

  • Just a quick reminder: if you wish to speak to your child's teacher, please do so at pick up time or you can write a note in their reading diary. Our office is open so you are welcome to pass a message to Mrs Sopp or Mrs Creswick in the mornings or send us an email ( too. Please be mindful of asking to speak to the teacher or TA in the mornings as unfortunately they are unavailable at this time.

  • Start of day gate opening: Reception may come into school from 8.30. Year 1 - Year 6 stagger their start with our 'slow start' to the school day between 8.35 - 8.45. We have noticed that most parents/carers arrive for 8.35 resulting in this time of the morning being congested. Between 8.40 - 8.45 there are only a small minority of parents/carers opting to arrive at this time, making it less congested. If you feel that 8.35 is too busy, please opt to arrive between 8.40 -8.45 as the registers are still open during this period.

  • At the end of October, we say goodbye to Mrs Griffiths, our School Business Manager, who moves on from Byfleet. We would like to say a huge thank you to her for helping us balance our budget and saving us money along the way, which has afforded us some of the great improvements brought about recently, like our new music lessons, outdoor climbing equipment and some new chromebooks. We welcome Mrs Frampton as our new SBM after half term.

  • It has been lovely to see some of the homework projects coming into school for your child to share with their peers. Please continue to add any photos of homework projects on Google Classroom or feel free to send the projects into school - we'd love to see what your child is getting up to at home.

  • Breakfast Club and After School Club is available if this is something you are considering for your child. Please liaise with Mrs Sopp in the school office for further details.

  • Some parents/carers have enquired about music lessons for their child(ren). Surrey Arts provide peripatetic lessons for a range of instruments, which can be taught during the school day or after hours. Please click on this link to visit Surrey Arts website for more information, and liaise directly with them if you are interested. They will be in touch with us at Byfleet if you have registered your interest so that we can make arrangements in school.

  • Our school cleaning company, Busy Bees Cleaning Company, has a vacancy for a school cleaner to work at Byfleet Primary Monday – Friday, 4pm – 6.30 pm for 12.5 hrs per week, £9.00 per hr. A DBS will be required (BBCS will apply for this on their behalf). If you are interested, please contact Mobile 07973 353074.

Stars of the Week

Reception Rainbow Koa Peggy

Year 1 Red Thea Amaya

Year 2 Orange Zaynab Penelope

Year 3 Yellow Maizee-Ray William

Year 4 Green Archie Darcey

Year 5 Indigo Henry Kjaer

Year 5 Blue Oli Megan

Year 6 Violet Olivia Leon

EEEA Trust

We continue to reap great benefits from being part of EEEA trust; our collaboration is certainly strengthening our offer for our children. This week Mr McLaughlin and Mrs Elliott visited Maybury Primary to see their outstanding early years provision. We are pleased to already see the noticeable changes to the environment in Reception, as we continue to make improvements to this area of school. Many thanks to our Reception team!

Mrs Meyrick invited the Headteachers from Westfield and Maybury Primary (EEEA's Woking Hub) to visit Byfleet Primary and carried out a rigorous data analysis to see how we can further benefit from learning from each other. They too were impressed with some of the improvements we've made to our environments and curriculum, particularly in reading, with Byfleet Primary achieving the highest attainment at the end of last year, across the three schools. We are very proud and hope to narrow the gap in maths and writing in this coming year with many developmental opportunities planned for our staff, like working with Maths Hub and undertaking Pie Corbett's Greater Depth Writing training, to name a few.

Please click here to see EEEA Trust's website.


“Engage, Enrich, Excel”

We believe that every learner has the right to be engaged with inspiration and creativity, to enable them to enrich and enhance their learning experience. By establishing the key steps to success every learner can perform exceptionally well.

EEEA Ethos

Our values enable us to build strong individuals and communities who stand for what is right and wrong and can challenge, with confidence, what is not right. Our values and leadership behaviours are:

What do these values mean?

  • Trust: To be able to rely upon each other

  • Respect: To appreciate and celebrate each other’s beliefs

  • Positivity: To look for solutions and celebrate success

  • Creativity: To turn ideas into reality

  • Responsibility: To make sure things get done

  • Collaboration: To work together to benefit all

  • Integrity: To be honest to make a positive difference

Our core principles we expect from all leaders

Leadership Principles:

  • To be strategic not operational

  • To recognise the importance of relationships

  • To do the right thing

  • To be honest and open

  • To collaborate and not compete

  • To unlock and develop capacity in staff

  • To believe that nothing is impossible

Language of culture:

  • Collaboration not competition

  • No excuse; no compromise

  • Believe to achieve

EEEA Pledge to Families:

  • We will keep your children safe, secure and cared for;

  • We will provide first-rate teaching in all lessons and strive for excellence in everything that we do;

  • We will ensure that high standards in English and Mathematics are at the heart of a broad and exciting curriculum;

  • We will prize your children’s creativity and individuality, and listen attentively to their views, opinions and feelings;

  • We will be by their sides lending a hand as their self-belief and self-confidence grows;

  • We will ensure they leave primary education ready, willing and able to take the next step in their learning and the next step in their lives.

Harvest Festival

Ms Scipior has kindly agreed to organise our Harvest collection this year. This year to celebrate Harvest Festival, Byfleet Primary School have once again decided to continue supporting our Local Foodbank. Although it is part of Woking Foodbank, Byfleet is very lucky to have a very local satellite Foodbank at The Methodist Church, Rectory Lane.

The foodbank helps local families and was operational throughout the Lockdowns, helping those in need. Byfleet community is known for pulling together and as we all know, charity begins at home, so what better way to combine celebrating Harvest and helping our local community.

Donations can be bought into school from Monday 4th October – Friday 15th October.

We will deliver this to the Methodist Church in time for distribution to people in need.

Any non-perishable items are greatly received, such as:


The Foodbank just ask for no perishable items as they can spoil easily and pass their sell by date before delivery to families. The foodbank also asks for items which have a long shelf life. Although the Foodbank will gratefully appreciate all donations, they have asked if we can avoid donating bags of pasta, tomatoes, baked beans and soup as they have a surplus of these food items.

Please support us, by supporting others in our local community.

National Fitness Day @ Byfleet

Big thanks to Mr Bostock, our PE lead, for organising a fun morning full of activities for the whole school.

This Wednesday, we celebrated National Fitness Day to further our learning on why it is important to keep fit. The children spent half an hour in the morning partaking in one large circuit which was supported by our amazing Year 6 children. We loved to see the smiles on the children's faces as they were getting involved in jumping jacks, the Fresh Air Fitness, the Climbing wall, sprints and more!

Each class then spent some time discussing why it was important to keep fit and how they can make simple changes in their lives.

For more information about National Fitness Day, please visit

Well done to our Year 6 Sport's Helpers for running each event

Rotary Swimathon

A final reminder.............A message from the Rotary Club of Woking......

On the 10th October we will be holding the annual Woking Swimathon at the Pool in the Park, Woking, raising funds for local charities.

It is a non competitive fun event made up of teams of up to 6 swimmers who take it in turn to swim just one length at a time. It isn't necessary for each swimmer to swim the same number of lengths but on average each swimmer does approx. 10-20 lengths during just under 1 hour. Each team member gets sponsorship for the teams total number of lengths swum, anything up to 100 lengths or more.

Each team member who takes part will be given a commemorative medal. Several local schools normally take part in the event, sometimes entering more than one team.

If you think that any particular year groups at Byfleet Primary School would be interested in participating in the event, please arrange this via your class Whatsapp groups and keep us informed so that we can do a 'shout out' for our children.

For any further information, please contact our chief organiser Terry Smith MBE on 01483 762832 or:

Keith Tatlock, The Rotary Club of Woking on 01932 349803

Safeguarding and Keeping our children safe

Our children have been introduced to some 'Worry Monsters' in our main foyer. The Designated Safeguarding Leads at Byfleet are Mrs Meyrick, Mrs Elliott, Mrs Sharkey and Ms Scipior. Our link Safeguarding governor is Mrs Janet Stainer.

Our children can write their name on a piece of paper and jot down any of their worries if they wish to speak to an adult in school - sometimes they may not want to tell us verbally.

Our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy has been updated and can be viewed here and on our school website.

Byfleet's Big CleaN Up morning - Sat 9th October

Many hands make light work......

  • We are desperate for some spare hands to help us tidy up our school grounds. We are looking for parents/carers/families to please help us weed, tidy up flower beds, clear the pond, cut back branches, paint sheds etc.

  • If you are free on Saturday 9th October and can spare two hours (9am - 11am), please could you register your interest here.

  • Please could you bring along any gardening tools etc. that you may have to help i.e. hedge strimmer, saws etc.

  • If you are able to help please follow the link to sign up BIG CLEAN UP MORNING!

lunchtime reminder

As we are a nut-free school please ensure your child does not have any nut based products in their lunchbox or for their snack.

please name all clothing

Since returning to school we have noticed a lot of items belonging to pupils are un-named. Please check this weekend to ensure all your child's property is named then it can be easily returned should it be mislaid.

If you are missing any items of clothing please check our lost property box in the front entrance to the school


One of our parents in school is taking part in a special challenge this weekend to raise funds for Alopecia UK. Please follow the link below to follow their story - any sponsorship or contributions will be gratefully received. Good Luck to everyone taking part!

Martin's Charity Champion 2021 for Alopecia UK

Visit your child's classroom - Tray Day

  • We will be hosting a 'tray day' for all parents/carers to come and visit their child's classroom on Friday 8th October 2021 from 3.05 - 5pm (last entry 4.45).

  • This will be a great opportunity for your child to share some of their learning with you and show you their books.

  • Please note that the class teacher will be present however this is an opportunity for your child to share their learning with you - this will not be a teacher-led session. We hope you enjoy seeing the progress your child has already made in the short time they've been back at Byfleet, with uninterrupted learning.

Please collect your child as usual if you are attending at 3.05 and they will bring you back into the classroom directly from their pick up point. Any appointments after this time may come through the main entrance foyer.

Doodle Maths

We are pleased to report that we have access to DoodleMaths and DoodleTables for some of our children in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5. This is a fantastic resource which supports children's maths learning. We use it every day at school and encourage children to use it at home also. Please find your child's login details in their reading record.

A little bit about DoodleMaths:

"Doodle builds confidence and ability in maths by creating every child a personalised work programme tailored to their strengths and weaknesses. Using Doodle for just 10 minutes a day is proven to help children make three months of progress in just one month!"

A little bit about DoodleTables:

"Taking children on a fun adventure to learn their times tables, DoodleTables allows a Doodler to develop their understanding and recall of their 1 to 12 times tables.

Initially, ‘Learn’ exercises are designed to support a child with their step-counting skills. As the child progresses, the programme develops to encourage and enable instant recall through the ‘60-second challenge’ feature. Our in-built technology, ProximaTM is constantly assessing how well they understand their tables so the challenges they are set are always at just the right level for them.

Each times table has a detailed programme of content that tests a child’s knowledge and how they can apply it - taking them, when they’re ready, beyond just knowing the standard 12 x 12 multiplication grid."

Access DoodleMaths at home here

Access DoodleTables at home here

Reception Rainbows

It's been brilliant to see how quickly our Reception Rainbows have settled in. Here's some of the writing they've been doing.....

Maths No Problem (MNP!)

  • At Byfleet, we use a 'mastery' maths approach, which focusses not only on getting the correct answer to calculations or problems, but specifically emphasising 'how' they solved the problem by describing 'why' they have chosen a particular route. We follow a scheme called 'Maths No Problem!'

  • Many children are able to find the correct answer to questions however they aren't always able to explain how they solved the problem. We are having a big focus this year on deepening children's understanding of solving problems using more than one strategy; this is called reasoning.

  • We will be focussing on children using the correct mathematical vocabulary to explain their reasoning.

  • We have invested in new 'concrete' resources (unifix cubes, Numicon, place value counters etc.) to help us embed the use of CPA (concrete, pictorial and abstract); most children divert to the 'abstract' stage so we are now encouraging them to use 'concrete' resources and 'pictorial' drawings to deepen their understanding. Please see the illustration below for examples of how CPA is used.

Year 3 and 4 Ukulele kick off with a tune!

Year 3 and 4 (and Mrs Hanby!) have started their weekly ukulele lessons and despite sore fingertips, are enjoying this new provision.

Their music specialist is called Mr Gullani, who plays multiple instrument; he's impressed with our children's attitudes so far and we're looking forward to hearing them play a tune or two, which we'll share with parents in an end of year music assembly. Watch this space.....


  • If you wish to use our Breakfast & Afterschool Club please ensure you have made a booking online using our online system. Please remember that there is an advance booking requirement of 48hrs. This week we have had an additional 20 pupils turn up to use our clubs which obviously affects our staffing ratios.

  • From Monday, children turning up to Breakfast club without a prior booking may be turned away should our staffing ratios not allow for them to be accommodated. Children without an Afterschool Club booking or prior agreement with school office to attend, will no longer be accepted directly into our After School Club. From a safeguarding point of view, we have a duty to make contact with parents/carers and understand why they haven't been collected at the end of the school day. Any children in this situation, will be taken to the school office where a phone call home will be made.

  • Should we have the space, the children may be able to join the club at this point by mutual agreement, but again due to staffing ratios, we are not able to guarantee this. Should space not be available, your child will need to wait in the office to be collected. We thank you for your understanding and support in tightening up on our procedures.

Tax-Free Childcare

  • We are pleased to confirm that the issues with our HMRC account have finally been resolved and we are now able to receive payments for ASC and BC sessions through the scheme again. The school code for making payments has however changed.

  • Please ensure all future payments are sent to Byfleet Primary School with the code 147671.

  • For parents/carers that might be interested in taking advantage of the scheme, more information can be found at

nuffield health family fun event

Diary Dates

  • Wednesday 29th September - Individual Class Photos

  • Monday 4th to Friday 8th October - Year 6 Bikeability

  • Friday 8th October - Reception to Year 6 Tray Afternoon (all parents welcome)

  • Saturday 9th October - Parents/Helpers Big Clean Up morning (9-11am)

  • Friday 15th October - Halloween Disco

  • Monday 18th October - New to Reception 2022 Open Day 1

  • Tuesday 19th October School Nurse to visit Y6

  • Thursday 21st October - New to Reception 2022 Open day 2

  • Thursday 21st October - Last day of Autumn 1

  • Friday 22nd October - Bank holiday in lieu of Queen's Platinum Jubilee

  • Monday 1st November - INSET 2

  • Tuesday 2nd November - FRIENDS Ecokids Clothing Collection

  • Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th November - Parents' Evening - These will be online

  • Friday 12th November - YR-Y6 - Flu Vaccinations

  • Friday 17th December - End of Autumn term

  • Tuesday 4th January - INSET 3

  • Wednesday 5th January - Start of Spring term

  • July 2022 - Y6 Residential

Term Dates 2021-22.pdf

To view 2021/22 school dates, please click here.

  • You will be aware of the Government's announcement of an extra Bank Holiday in June 2022 for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, which falls on Friday 3rd June - this is during half term. Consequently, schools have been allowed to reduce contact time by 1 school day to make up for this. Please note that we have chosen Friday 22nd October 2021. School will be closed on this day.

It won't be long now until it's half term; I'm really enjoying the purposeful momentum that is evident across school with every class working hard and utilising every moment of the day to be enriched and to excel. Thanks for reading every night with your children and for helping them with their home learning each night.

Don't forget to send your children in with their winter uniform on Wednesday 29th September for their school photo.

Thanks for your continued support,

Mrs Meyrick - Headteacher