Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

Dear Parents/Carers,

  • Well done to Reception Rainbow, Year 1 Red and Year 3 Orange for their 100% attendance for this week. Our whole school attendance was 98.22%, which is above our 97% target. What a great start to the year!

  • Our Year 5s and 6s have resumed their swimming lessons for the term with Coach William. We are delighted all of our new Reception children in Rainbow class have now started 'big school' and are in full time. They have settled really well and we are impressed with how quickly they have learnt their new routine.

  • Just a reminder about the start of the day arrangements: we have a 'slow start' between 8.35 - 8.45. The register will be taken at 8.45. Reception may come in at 8.30; Year 5 & 6 coming in independently from 8.35 when they are called and then Year 1 - 4 may follow once they have been called. Thank you for following this arrangement and cooperating.

  • Curriculum Overview have been sent home this week, outlining what your child will be learning this term so you can support your child at home. Homework matrices have been added to your child's Google Classroom and it has been lovely to see some homework projects coming in to school this week. Follow this link for Curriculum Overviews and homework matrices on our website.

  • Breakfast Club and After School Club is available if this is something you are considering for your child. Please liaise with Mrs Sopp in the school office for further details.

  • Our school cleaning company, Busy Bees Cleaning Company, has a vacancy for a school cleaner to work at Byfleet Primary Monday – Friday, 4pm – 6.30 pm for 12.5 hrs per week, £9.00 per hr. A DBS will be required (BBCS will apply for this on their behalf). If you are interested, please contact Mobile 07973 353074.

Stars of the Week

Reception Rainbow Lottie

Year 1 Red Mani

Year 2 Orange Belle

Year 3 Yellow Connor

Year 4 Green Daniela

Year 5 Indigo Darcy

Year 5 Blue Freya

Year 6 Violet Lilly L


Reception Rainbows have enjoyed their first week of school. Their mud kitchen was a big hit.

Year 3 and 4 start their ukulele lessons next week with our music specialist, Mr Gullani.

Thank you to the parents who kindly made these wooden welly racks. We've resourcefully turned these into ukulele racks to keep our instruments safe!

Great to see Year 2 Orange Class keeping fit on our outdoor gym equipment.

Year 1 Red Class have made some brilliant faces learning about collages in Art this week.

A big thank you to our Friends of Byfleet PTA for buying new football goals! They're a hit!

You may remember that Mr Ginn (Maggie and Ivy's dad) recently moved our Reception fence. This has completely opened up our Reception outdoor play area - it looks fab!

Our children are now able to access their newly installed climbing equipment. You can clearly see how much fun they're having!

Rotary Swimathon

A message from the Rotary Club of Woking......

On the 10th October we will be holding the annual Woking Swimathon at the Pool in the Park, Woking, raising funds for local charities.

It is a non competitive fun event made up of teams of up to 6 swimmers who take it in turn to swim just one length at a time. It isn't necessary for each swimmer to swim the same number of lengths but on average each swimmer does approx. 10-20 lengths during just under 1 hour. Each team member gets sponsorship for the teams total number of lengths swum, anything up to 100 lengths or more.

Each team member who takes part will be given a commemorative medal. Several local schools normally take part in the event, sometimes entering more than one team.

If you think that any particular year groups at Byfleet Primary School would be interested in participating in the event, please arrange this via your class Whatsapp groups and keep us informed so that we can do a 'shout out' for our children.

For any further information, please contact our chief organiser Terry Smith MBE on 01483 762832 or:

Keith Tatlock, The Rotary Club of Woking on 01932 349803

Daily Reading and Phonics

We have introduced a new 'daily reading reward system' as a whole-school approach to further encourage daily reading and encourage a love of reading for our pupils.

At Byfleet Primary School, reading is at the heart of our curriculum. We are passionate about improving reading across our school as we know how vital it is for children's development . Research shows that children who read often have an advantage in all subjects and develop increased confidence, self- esteem and greater empathy compared to those who don't read regularly.

In EYFS and Key Stage 1, regularly reading of books appropriate to their phonic knowledge is essential along with discussion about what they have read. Children will be provided with 3 books per week, which should be read and re-read. Reading should be recorded in their reading records each night, even if they are re-reading a book.

In Key Stage 2, children should read regularly and record what they have read with a thoughtful comment such as what they liked or disliked about what they have read, a brief summary of what happened or a prediction about what might happen next.

Reading records will be checked daily to monitor reading, each day a child has read and recorded this in their reading record, they will get a point. When they reach a particular amount of points they will receive a reward card:

  • 50 reads = Bronze card

  • 100 reads = Silver card

  • 150 reads = Gold card

  • 180 reads = Platinum card

We will celebrate all the achievements of children during celebration assemblies each half term and we look forward to hearing about the brilliant books they are reading.

Byfleet's Big CleaN Up morning

Many hands make light work......

  • We are desperate for some spare hands to help us tidy up our school grounds. We are looking for parents/carers/families to please help us weed, tidy up flower beds, clear the pond, cut back branches, paint sheds etc.

  • If you are free on Saturday 9th October and can spare two hours (9am - 11am), please could you register your interest here.

  • Please could you bring along any gardening tools etc. that you may have to help i.e. hedge strimmer, saws etc.

  • If you are able to help please follow the link to sign up BIG CLEAN UP MORNING!

school drop off & pick-up

It is very important to us as a school that we maintain a good relationship with the residents of Kings Head Lane and Kings Lodge Care Home.

It has been brought to our attention that at drop off and collection times school some children are running across residents drives and front gardens - please ensure your child walks with you whilst you come to and from school.

Also a reminder that when parking on the lane please do not park across residents driveways. If using the car park adjacent to school please park only in the marked bays, parking in the care home car park is not permitted and may result in clamping. Please do not stop or park in front of the school gates or in the coned areas - access for emergency vehicles must be available at all times.

On an environmental note if you arrive to collect your child and wait in the car park we ask that you do not sit with your car engine running.


If you wish to use our Breakfast & Afterschool Club please ensure you have made a booking online using our online system. Please remember that there is an advance booking requirement of 48hrs. This week we have had an additional 20 pupils turn up to use our clubs which obviously affects our staffing ratios.

From Monday, children turning up to Breakfast club without a prior booking may be turned away should our staffing ratios not allow for them to be accommodated. Children without an Afterschool Club booking or prior agreement with school office to attend, will no longer be accepted directly into our After School Club. From a safeguarding point of view, we have a duty to make contact with parents/carers and understand why they haven't been collected at the end of the school day. Any children in this situation, will be taken to the school office where a phone call home will be made. Should we have the space, the children may be able to join the club at this point by mutual agreement, but again due to staffing ratios, we are not able to guarantee this. Should space not be available, your child will need to wait in the office to be collected. We thank you for your understanding and support in tightening up on our procedures.

Tax-Free Childcare

We are pleased to confirm that the issues with our HMRC account have finally been resolved and we are now able to receive payments for ASC and BC sessions through the scheme again. The school code for making payments has however changed. Please ensure all future payments are sent to Byfleet Primary School with the code 147671.

For parents/carers that might be interested in taking advantage of the scheme, more information can be found at


  • Information regarding clubs on offer for this term was sent out this week - hopefully lots of you will have signed up. For further information please contact Mrs Creswick in the school office.

Diary Dates

  • Wednesday 29th September - Individual Class Photos

  • Monday 4th to Friday 8th October - Year 6 Bikeability

  • Friday 15th October - Halloween Disco

  • Thursday 21st October - Last day of Autumn 1

  • Friday 22nd October - Bank holiday in lieu of Queen's Platinum Jubilee

  • Monday 1st November - INSET 2

  • Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th November - Parents' Evening

  • Friday 12th November - YR-Y6 - Flu Vaccinations

  • Friday 17th December - End of Autumn term

  • Tuesday 4th January - INSET 3

  • Wednesday 5th January - Start of Spring term

  • July 2022 - Y6 Residential

Term Dates 2021-22.pdf

To view 2021/22 school dates, please click here.

  • You will be aware of the Government's announcement of an extra Bank Holiday in June 2022 for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, which falls on Friday 3rd June - this is during half term. Consequently, schools have been allowed to reduce contact time by 1 school day to make up for this. Please note that we have chosen Friday 22nd October 2021. School will be closed on this day.

We've had a strong start to the academic year with a calm and purposeful atmosphere around school. It's been lovely to see how well settled our children are and I am very excited about the year ahead. Our new staff have commented how welcomed they feel and are enjoying working with our dedicated team and wonderful children. With such a great start, may we have an uninterrupted year full of wonderful opportunities for our children.

Thanks for your continued support,

Mrs Meyrick - Headteacher