Byfleet Primary Newsletter

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                   Year 1        Year 2                   Year 4                 Year 5                    Year 6

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Neuroscience week

We've started training staff on using metacognition through The Thinking School Alliance to enable us to become a 'thinking school'. We aim to devise a whole school approach to support children becoming more independent and confident learners by using taught strategies to develop a growth mindset and become more resilient when faced with setbacks.

This week we had our Neuroscience Week, which was a great success. 

Children were taught:

Watch this interesting video explaining how our brain works....

It helps us understand why at first we may find things difficult, but eventually it becomes easier. Learning becomes easier over time.

We use Zones of Regulation to help our children regulate.

To find out more about Zones of Regulation to help calm your child, click here

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children for being recognised for doing something brilliant this fortnight......

Star of week for each class will be awarded at the end of the week and the names per class will appear here. The first stars of the week will appear in the Autumn 1 Week 3's newslettter.

Well done to the children who took part in the Summer Doodle Challenge.

As soon as we receive the certificates and pin badges, we'll celebrate with our winners!

Reception's first week at byfleet primary school! 

The first week back to school has been very exciting for our Reception Rainbows class as it was their first week at Byfleet Primary School! The class have spent lots of time exploring their new classroom and their outside area... especially enjoying their new mud kitchen, the water tray (perfect to stay cool throughout this hot week!) and painting portraits of themselves using mirrors. 

The children have already started showing us their brilliant learning skills already, so we are excited to see them flourish throughout the year. What a brilliant start to their Byfleet Primary School learning journey. 

Rockidz are coming to BPS!

We can't wait to have Rockidz visit us on Wednesday 20th September for a day of rocking to self esteem and motivated song!

All children can come to school dressed as a rockstar for the day!

Little Wandle Phonics 

We are very excited to be continuing our Little Wandle journey this year. Last year we had the highest Phonics Screening results in 4 years. This year we are aiming to get higher than 90%!

Why Little Wandle?

Teach reading:change lives!

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised is the fastest growing Department for Education-validated phonics programme, already supporting over 5,000 schools to teach every child to learn to read!

There will be a workshop for parents of children in Reception and Year 1 on  Thursday 21st September at 9:00am in the school hall. 

Arrangements for September 2023




If you could spare the following items, we'd be very grateful. These can be given to the class teachers for class stock.

A huge thanks to the families who have already donated items! We are very appreciative!

Attendance & Punctuality

Attendance Winners:

It's been a great start to term with very few absences. 

Well done Year 2 for 100%!

Attendance for this week was 95.34%. 

Our school target is 96%. We reached 94.98% attendance last year. 

Please help us reach our goal as attendance matters!

Well done to the current Year 4s for the highest attendance in July last year - we hope they enjoy sitting on the benches in September 2023 during assembly. 

Just to remind parents/carers that if they take their children out of school without authority for 5 or more days (which do not have to be consecutive) , they will be liable to receive a penalty notice.

Currently the amount payable under a penalty notice is £60.00 per parent/carer per child if paid within 21 days. Thereafter the amount increases to £120.00 if paid between 21 and 28 days. If the penalty notice remains unpaid after 28 days, the Local Authority will consider a prosecution in the Magistrates Court. Please note that penalty notices are issued per parent/carer per child so a family of two parents and two children will receive 4 penalty notices.

Please view our Attendance Policy here for further information.


A big welcome to our new familes! We hope your children have all had a good first week back, if you have any concerns about your child's learning, please speak to their class teacher first. I am also available to dicuss any SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) concerns, and can be contacted through the school office (Esther Sharkey-Yun - Inclusion Lead). 

Additional Support: 

Most children's needs will be met through our Inclusive High Quality teaching, some children may need some additional support to achieve targets in focused areas where needs have been identified, and only a few pupils will require highly personalised interventions. 


Teachers have been planning their intervention timetables. We have a range of interventions in place this term:

Literacy: Precision Spelling, Literacy for all (reading), daily readers, echo reading, handwriting, little wandle catch up, phonological awareness

Maths: precision teaching for fluency skills (eg number bonds, timestbales etc), pick up maths sessions

Speech, Language and social skills: narrative groups, attention bucket, language for thinking, Talkabout, lego club

Emotional Support: Matthew Hackney Counsellor, ELSA sessions, Lunch-time well being club, zones of regulation.

Parent Volunteers Wanted!

We have a team working on setting up a sensory garden area (Mrs Sharkey-Yun, Mrs Wyatt, Mrs Summers and Mrs Tully). We have started gathering items to use, and in the Autumn term would love to have an afternoon when we have parents come and help us set up this new area. If you think you could give some time to help us please leave your details on this form. Thank you to parents who have already voluntered - we will be in touch soon! 

Donations Wanted for our Sensory Garden!

If you have any plant pots, planters, compost or plants you would be able to donate please speak to one of the sensory garden team (Mrs Sharkey-Yun, Mrs Wyatt, Mrs Summers or Mrs Tully) to let us know. We are very happy that some of our Y6 children have started to help us design the are!

Sensory Items

If you have any good condition but unwanted sensiory items at home you would be willing to donate for the sensory area, please bring them to the school office. 

We are looking for items such as wooden block puzzles, playdoh, touch-feel books, large building blocks, and any other highy stimulating sensory items (eg that light up, make a noise, have someting visual to watch such as bubbles. 

Any support would be appreciated - thank you!

EXPERT ED maths and Science Free Webinars

Expert Ed free evening webinars for pupils and their families, designed to stretch and challenge children in science and maths. 

Register for ExpertEd Family - Family Science years 5-8 

Register for ExpertEd Family - Midweek Maths: Years 7 & 8 

Glowfit AT Byfleet Primary

Mia's School Of Dance

BPS Guitar and ukulele lessons with mr gillani

FullBrook Events 2023

Diary Dates

New dates in red

To view our 2023/24 term dates, please click here.