Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

There's been a wonderful festive feeling around school. A big thank you to Mr Smith for putting up the stage for our Nativity and to Mrs Scott and Mrs Cosentino for putting up our Christmas tree and decorating school, spreading the Christmas spirit.

The Christmas post box is in the main foyer so if your children wish to post their Xmas letters to their friends, please send these in by Thursday 15th December.

Our little elves will sort out the post and take these round to each class.

  • We hope everyone enjoyed our whole school Nativity shows - a huge well done to the children and staff who put on a brilliant show. Despite the high-number of staff absences, we managed to keep things going so a big well done to the BPS for pulling together to ensure the show could go on! We're also very proud of the children who stepped in to new roles in the show to fill in for their absent peers. Big thanks to Mrs Collins, our music lead, for leading on this.

  • Thank you for supporting our Year 2 cake sale and mini Xmas fair last week. A big thanks to Friends of Byfleet for hosting this.

  • Our KS2 children are looking forward to seeing some Christmas Carols to our elderly neighbours from King's Lodge Nursing Home on Monday 12th December.

  • We hope the Reception Rainbows families enjoyed the Christmas sing-along performance this afternoon! Our Reception children and staff did a brilliant job and really put us in the festive mood!

  • We sent out communication about Scarlet Fever and Strep A this week. If you missed it, here it is.

  • Our scaffolding from the roof repairs has come down and it's great to see the school back to normal. Year 5 and 6 can now enter their classrooms via their back doors, instead of walking through the playground.

  • This week our half-termly governors meeting took place. Mrs Collins, Mr Tredger and Mrs Sharkey-Yun shared information about Pupil Premium, Sports Mark & Sports Premium and our new maths Calculation Policy. The governors found it useful to hear from our staff and find out more about the projects they are working on. Next week, we look forward to inviting the governors back into Byfleet to listen to our subject leaders presenting their subject development reports, showcasing the ambitious plans they have to help us develop our teaching & learning.

  • Next week we bid farewell to Mrs Frampton. We wish her well in her next venture.

  • This is the last newsletter for the Autumn term. Thank you for your continued support and for helping us making the past term a wonderful success. We wish you a merry Christmas over the holidays and enjoy spending time with loved ones. We return to school on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.

Mrs Cosentino, our HLTA, has been studying towards a National Tutoring Programme qualification.

We are incredibly proud of her for completing this.

Our Year 5 and 6 children are benefiting immensely from the morning and afternoon tutoring we offer. Well done Mrs Cosentino!

Autumn House Team Mufti Winners

In September we introduced our new House Point system, which has been a big hit with our children.

Children earn house points across the week for 'being brilliant' - excellent behaviour, beautiful manners and super effort.

Each week, our House Captains count up our house points and weekly winners are announced in our weekly Celebration Assembly.

The overall winning team will win a day of mufti on the last day of each term.

A big well done to our Autumn House Winners - Kestrels with 2440 points.

First - Kestrels - 2440 points Second - Hawks - 1951 points

Third - Eagles - 1887 points Forth - Falcons - 1770 points

Next week Friday (last day of term), KESTREL house children may wear their own mufti to school to celebrate!

Christmas Nativity Show

Barmy Bethlehem!

We are so impressed with our children for their exceptional performance of the nativity.

Year 1 and 2 shone on stage as they acted as Mary, Joseph, Party Sheep and many others!

Both KS1 and KS2 sang beautifully and should be very proud of themselves.

It was wonderful to involve every class in our show, providing everyone with the opportunity to showcase their talents!

St Peter's Children's ward gift Appeal

Big thanks to all our parents for your generous donations to St Peter's Children's Ward. We have had an overwhelming response and St Peter's will be so grateful. The staff members that have been involved will be organising the items to be delivered to the hospital next week.

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children for being recognised for doing something brilliant this fortnight......

Reception Rainbow Emily Amaliia

Year 1 Red Teddie All of year one

Year 2 Orange James Daliha

Year 3 Yellow James J Dahlia

Year 4 Green Zenat Poppy

Year 5 Indigo Zabia Florrie

Year 6 Blue Kiki Taylah

Year 6 Violet Amelia Alfie

Year 6 War of the Worlds Wow Day!

Last Friday, Year 6 had some unexpected visitors who stole our chairs and destroyed half our classrooms! Fortunately, the children were given the chance to win their chairs back and save their planet. First we wrote some fantastic letters to the aliens persuading them to return our precious chairs, then we used oil pastels and chalk to draw our own outstanding alien artwork and in the afternoon we created our own maths board games based on Mr Jenning's trip from Horsell Common towards Leatherhead. Year 6 were absolutely fantastic and we loved all the imaginative and very creative costumes!

Looks like some aliens cordoned off the Year 6 classrooms and we heard the children's chairs had been stolen!

A big thank you to the staff who dressed up!

What a great way to make learning memorable for our children!

Inclusion - Educational Psychologist sessions with staff

This week our link Educational Psychologist came into school to complete sessions to support teachers from YR-Y6. The Educational Psychologist facilitated a 'Solution Circle' with staff, allowing them to dicsuss issues presenting in their class that are barriers to learning. This reflective practice challenged staff to think about learning and consider new ways to address issues. Staff worked together as a team, guided by the Educational Psychologist to problem solve and consider solutions together - working in this way really helped add insights and ideas that one person may not have been able to come up with on their own. It was a really helpful way to address needs within the class, and a great way for the Educational Psychologist to give support in a way that will have a whole school impact.

Protected Characteristics - Embracing our Differences

Our assemblies have been focussing on EQUALITY.

The KS 1 and 2 children quickly pointed out the words 'Equal' and 'QUALITY' as root words, which led us to discuss what these mean.

We were delighted to hear from Cameron (Year 6B):

'Equality means that it doesn't matter what colour our skin is, or what country we come from, we should treat everyone the same'.

The children pointed out the pride flag and we discussed what this represents.

The children have been learning about the 9 Protected Characteristics and The Equality Act, 2010.

It is wonderful to hear our children discuss how important is is to treat people with respect and tolerance.

Attendance Winners

A huge well done to Year 1 for having the highest class attendance for November. This is the highest class attendance since September!

Year 1 will be sat on the benches in the hall for December's assembly! Great job!

Attendance Winners:

  • September: Year 5 97.41%

  • October: Year 3 96.81%

  • November: Year 1 98.12%

Our whole-school attendance target is 96%. So far we are at 95.88% so almost there!

We are delighted that only two classes were below our 96% target for November.

We will continue monitoring Year Reception Rainbows and Year 4 Green.

In September, there were 17 'lates' resulting in a total of 53 minutes of learning being lost.

In October, there were 19 'lates' resulting in 24 minutes of learning being lost.

In November, there were 39 'lates' resulting in a total of 1 hour and 14 minutes of learning being lost.

We have a slow start from 8.35 - 8.45 to help your children arrive on time. Please help us reduce the number of lates next term...

ADMISSION FOr REception & Junior SCHOOL Applications

The closing date for Reception and Junior applications for September 2023 entry is 15 January 2023.

Online applications must be made via

A paper application form or seek impartial help in completing an application via the Surrey Schools & Childcare Service (0300 200 1004, Mon-Fri 9am-5pm). Full information is available on Surrey's website at

Travelling BOOk FAIR w/c 16TH jANUARY

Week commencing the 16th January 2023, the Scholastic Travelling Book Fair will be coming to Byfleet Primary School. Parents with their children will able to chose new books in the hall after school. Further details will be sent during the beginning of Spring Term 1.


We are currently running low on Pritt glue sticks at present.

If you are able to kindly send your child in with a glue stick as a contribution towards their class' stock, that would really help our school budget and we would be extremely grateful.

CAREERS WEEK - January 2023

We are holding 'Careers Week' at Byfleet from Monday 23rd January to Friday the 27th of January 2023. Our aim is to provide a focus on careers to help support pupils to develop awareness and excitement about possible future pathways.

It would be fantastic to have some parent volunteers who would be happy to come in and talk to classes about their careers and field of work. It would be great to have people from a range of pathways, and also please let us know if you can put us in touch with anyone who may be happy to help. We would love to address any gender stereotypes in career paths too - so if you know any male midwives, female lorry-drivers etc. please get in touch!

To volunteer please complete the google form via the link below, and we will contact you in the new year:

VOLUNTEER for Careers Week here

Holiday Clubs

Christmas Holiday Club:

Surrey County Council’s ‘Club4’ is a free holiday activity programme, aimed at children in Reception to School Year 11 who are eligible for benefit-related free school meals or known to a key worker (eg because they have an EHCP or if they have a social worker). Please see the flyer below and contact them if you think you are eligible due to receiving free school meals. If your child has a social worker or an EHCP and you would like them to attend, please contact Mrs Sharkey-Yun (Inclusion Lead) who can support with a referral.

Additional details and to book:

Year 4 Multiplication Check & 144 CLUB

In Year 4, our children undertake an online multiplication test in June 2023. The children are expected to answer 25 multiplication and division questions related to all of their tables up to x12.

We hope that by the time our children reach the end of Year 4, they are fluent in recalling all of their multiplication tables up to x12. This will mean that they are working at Gold + in the 144 Club.

Is your child on track for 144 Club?

144 Club Expected level:

Year 2 = Bronze & Bronze+

Year 3 = Silver & Silver+

Year 4 = Gold & Gold+

Year 5/6 = Platinum to Diamond

There are a range of multiplication practice sheets to print off and rehearse at home here, if you wish.

For more information about the Year 4 Multiplication Check, please see the DfE guidance here.

Don't forget to encourage your child to do 20 minutes of Doodle tables every day to help them prepare.

There are also many Apps that can be downloaded specifically designed to help prepare your child for this Mutliplication Check.

Little Wandle Phonics

All things phonics!

Well done to the children in Reception and Year 1 for working really hard in their phonics lessons this term. We have recently completed the Autumn 2 assessments and they show great progress!

What happens prior to my child bringing their reading book home?

The reading practice sessions take place at least three times a week. Each reading practice session has a clear focus, so that the demands of the session do not overload the children’s working memory.

The reading practice sessions have been designed to focus on three key reading skills:

• decoding - reading the words

• prosody – reading with meaning, stress and intonation

• comprehension – understanding the text

Collin Ebooks

Please remember to login to the Collins Ebook website so your child can access their reading book online.

Only 45% of children in Reception and Year 1 have logged on this half term. We're hoping this number will increase in the Spring term.

Chartwells Christmas Menu

Extended Day Club Vacancy

We have an exciting opportunity for 17.5 hours per week (Monday-Friday) in our Breakfast and After School Club provision.

  • Breakfast Club is 07:30 - 08:35 (1hr, 5min)

  • After School Club is 15:05 - 17:30 (2hrs, 25min)

If you are interested, you needn't have to do both Breakfast Club and ASC - these positions may be slip.

Please click here for further details and the Job Description, Person Specification and Application Form.

school drop off & pick-up

It is very important to us as a school that we maintain a good relationship with the residents of Kings Head Lane and Kings Lodge Care Home.

When parking on the lane please do not park across residents driveways. If using the car park adjacent to school please park only in the marked bays, parking in the care home car park is not permitted and may result in clamping. Please do not stop or park in front of the school gates or in the coned areas - access for emergency vehicles must be available at all times.

On an environmental note, if you arrive to collect your child and wait in the car park we ask that you do not sit with your car engine running.

Reading Awards

Daily Reading

We are proud to announce that our first BRONZE reading award was given to Penelope in Year 4! Well done for reading x5 per week!

Each child can earn Reading Awards for reading daily.

Bronze = 50 reads Silver = 100 reads Gold = 150 reads Platinum = 180 reads

We attend school for 190 days a year. We aim for children to read x5 per week to allow them to reach the 180 Platinum mark. This could include the weekend if they can't fit in 5 reads during the busy week.

We will only count one reading 'entry' per day in your child's reading to count towards their award but please feel free to record all the reads completed per day if you wish.

Our policy outlines that children read everyday so please help them achieve this by making time to record their reading in their diaries each night. Children from Year 3 upwards are independent enough to record this themselves so please continue to encourage them to do so!

For Autumn 2 so far, here are our reading award results on track for their Bronze Reading Award:

Reception: 24% on track Year 1: 59% on track Year 2: 27% on track

Year 3: 24% on track Year 4: 41% on track Year 5: 29% on track

Year 6B: 30% on track Year 6V: 59% on track

Doodle Advent Calendars

The Winter Calendar will soon be arriving in Doodle, a seasonal challenge where your child can earn festive rewards by Doodling 'little and often'!

Between the 1st and 24th of December, encourage your child to complete at least one exercise a day in DoodleMaths to open a calendar door.

They'll find seasonal accessories hiding behind each one – and if they open all of the doors on one or both calendars, they'll receive an exclusive virtual badge!

To find out more, please visit Or if you have any questions, visit and click on the green icon to chat to Doodle's Customer Support team.

Happy Doodling!

Well done to these children for scoring the highest Doodle Stars in their class for the past two weeks!

Year 2 Orange Liam H 138 Sienna 231

Year 3 Yellow Ottilie 338 Ottilie 486

Year 4 Green Sophia Ross 123 Sophia 151

Year 5 Indigo Ella 350 Ella 256

Year 6 Violet Jack 1515 William 223

Year 6 Blue Jamie 147 Matilda 147

Our top spot winner is Jack W in Year 6V with 1551 stars!

Chartwells COOK Vacancy

Ultimate Coaching Holiday Camps

Ripley Court Christmas CAmpS

Pleiades Christmas Camps

Rose youth Theatre Under 11's

The course explores self-confidence, vocal, literacy and team skills. We encourage our young participants to explore their creativity through text, story and play.

Classes are run every day of the week for anyone aged 5-11 (year reception - year six) at our rehearsal spaces in Rose Theatre, Kingston.

The cost of the term is £120, and we also offer a sibling discount and have bursary options available upon request.

Ultimate Coaching SPRING TERM

Notre Dame Barracudas 2023

Class Assemblies

Class Assemblies for 22/23 will take place on the dates below from 8.55 - 9.20 in main hall. Please come along and see what your child has been learning about:

9th December - Year 4 - this has been postponed (further details will be communicated)

27th January - Year 3 3rd March - Year 6B

10th March - Year 4 17th March - Year 2

12th May - Year 1 9th June - Year 5

23rd June - Reception

Diary Dates

New dates in red

  • Monday 12th December - Year 1 - 6 carol singing at King's Lodge Care Centre 2 - 3pm

  • Thursday 15th December - Christmas School Dinner (and wear your Xmas jumper to school over school uniform)

  • Friday 16th December - Last day of term - 1pm finish

  • Sunday 15th January - Reception and Junior Surrey County Council Applications

  • Week commencing 16th January - Scholastic Travelling Book Fair will be coming to Byfleet Primary School. Details will be provided at the start of Spring Term 1.

  • Tuesday 17th January - Maths Calculations Policy parent workshop for all year groups 8.50 - 9.30am

  • Careers' Week - 23rd January - we will send out information shortly requesting parents who wish to share their careers with our children to come in and take part in our Careers' Week

  • Monday 6th February - Whole school Tray Day 2 - 3.05 - 4.30pm - come and visit your child's classroom

  • Friday 10th February - INSET Day 3

  • Monday 20th February - Safer Internet Day

  • Thursday 9th March - SEND Parent workshop 8.50 - 9.50am. Parents from all year groups are welcome.

  • Monday 13th March - British Science Week whole school event

  • Tuesday 21st March - Parents' Evening 2.30 - 5.30pm

  • Thursday 23rd March - Parents' Evening 3.05 - 6pm

  • Friday 31st March - Last day of term - 1pm finish

  • Monday 8th May - Additional Bank Holiday

  • Monday 17th April - INSET 4

  • Thursday 18th May - SEND Parent Workshop 8.50 - 9.50. Parents from all year groups are welcome.

  • Thursday 25th May - Byfleet Annual Family Picnic on the field - everyone welcome.

  • Diversity Week - 25th May

  • Friday 26th May - INSET 5

  • Tuesday 26th June - Year 6 Transition Days at secondary schools

  • Wednesday 27th June - Year 6 Transition Days at secondary schools

  • Thursday 29th June - Reception and KS 1 Sports Day (contingency 6th July)

  • Friday 30th June - KS 2 Sports Day (contingency 7th July)

  • Friday 7th July - End of year pupil reports sent home

  • Monday 10th July - Whole School Tray Day 3 - 3.05 - 4.30pm

  • Friday 21st July - Last day of term 1pm finish

To view our 2022/23 term dates, please click here.

To view our 23/24 term dates, please click here.

The same child in both photos. The only difference is how they're dressed.

As we approach shorter daylight hours, whether you walk, cycle, use public transport or drive, make sure you have been seen. Just remember the nights are drawing in.