Byfleet Primary Newsletter

Twitter: @Byfleetprimary

Dear Parents/Carers,

  • We hope the parents/carers who came to visit their child's classroom during our Tray Day enjoyed looking through their children's books and seeing their learning environment.

  • Our whole school target for attendance is 97% and unfortunately we are below this at 94.3%.

  • Attendance:

Reception: 97% Year 1: 89% Year 2: 99% Year 3: 96%

Year 4: 93% Year 5 Indigo: 89 % Year 5 Blue: 97% Year 6: 90%

  • Just a reminder about the start of day gate opening.....we are trying to reduce the congestion in the mornings outside the school gate.

Year 1 - Year 6 have a staggered 'slow start' to their day between 8.35 - 8.45.

We have noticed that most parents/carers arrive for 8.30 resulting in this time of the morning being congested.

Despite reminders in our previous newsletter, majority of parents/carers continue to opt to arrive at 8.30, resulting in there being high congestion.

Between 8.40 - 8.45 there are only a small minority of parents/carers opting to arrive at this time, making it less congested.

If you feel that 8.35 is too busy, please opt to arrive between 8.40 -8.45 as the registers are still open during this period. Alternatively, please wait in your car if this is an option, until you feel there is less congestion.

  • If you would like to communicate with the class teacher and are unable to speak to them in person, please feel free to email via the school office and we will forward your message to the class teacher. Staff have been asked to not respond to direct emails from parents/carers so please send your messages to and staff will do their best to communicate with you in a timely manner. Remember, staff are available at the end of the day if you wish to speak to them about your child.

  • Links to book your parents' evening slot will be sent out on Monday 11th October. Please look out for Mrs Sopp's email.

Stars of the Week

Reception Rainbow Teddy Ruby

Year 1 Red Ayesha Liam H

Year 2 Orange Alex Nellie

Year 3 Yellow Elsie Sophia

Year 4 Green Liyana Reggy

Year 5 Indigo Ameleigh Zeba

Year 5 Blue Oliver Isla

Year 6 Violet Maggie Monty

Top Doodler of the Week

Well done to our 'Top Doodler' in each class for earning the most points as part of their Doodle Homework. Remember to log on for 15 - 20 minutes each day and complete as many questions as you can!

This award is for 'effort' so remember to do your best!

Year 2 Orange Isobel 219 Darren 199

Year 3 Yellow Penelope 187 Penelope 358

Year 4 Green Reggy 178 Evie 185

Year 5 Charlotte 239 William 222 Matilda 415 Anaya 230

Reading Buddies & Reading Shed

As you are aware, we are working hard to ensure that we have a strong reading ethos at Byfleet. This week we introduced a new 'Book Buddies' scheme and all children participated in Book Buddies with another class.

This is a valuable time for children to be read to and to read with other children from different classes. It was lovely to see so many valuable discussions about reading. We will continue this swap on the first Monday of every month. Well done to all involved!

Our Reading Swap Shed is now open daily for children to take a book which they can keep. Please use this before and after school; it is located in the playground and is a valuable resource to ensure everyone has access to books - please pay it a visit! If you have any books that you wish to donate, you are also welcome to drop them off at the Reading Shed.

Emotional Literacy Support & Wellbeing

Children learn best when their emotional needs are being met. At Byfleet we have recently increased our capacity to support our children emotionally and Miss Lloyd has now fully qualified as our ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant). She delivers several sessions over two afternoons each week and works 1-1 with identified children and also with small groups of children, focussing on strategies to promote wellbeing, social skills and personal development. To find out more about ELSA, click here.

Mrs Sharkey, our Inclusion Lead, is also undertaking a first aid in mental health course and is on hand to support the planning of our wellbeing provision at Byfleet.

Mrs Sharkey and Miss Lloyd have also set up a lunchtime club called Wellbeing Club, which children can attend to support their social skills, interactions and general wellbeing.

We are currently working with a charity called 'Achievement for All' for the duration of this year, to carry out a research project to audit and review our wider-school provision for wellbeing and personal development such as: resilience, motivation, self-regulation etc. We know that a child learns best when they are happy and have strategies to help themselves. To find out more about Achievement for All, view their website here.

We want every child at Byfleet to have a wonderful experience of school, doing their best and fulfilling their potential.

School Tours for New Reception families 2022

We are hosting to two Open Days for prospective new parents of Reception children starting in 2022. Please spread the word....

Monday 18th October and Thursday 21st October - various times throughout the school day.

Please contact Mrs Sopp in our school office to book an appointment and we'd gladly show you around our wonderful school!

Byfleet's Big CleaN Up morning - Sat 9th October

Can you help out tomorrow morning?

  • We are desperate for some spare hands to help us tidy up our school grounds. We are looking for parents/carers/families to please help us weed, tidy up flower beds, clear the pond, cut back branches, paint sheds etc.

  • If you are free this Saturday 9th October and can spare two hours (9am - 11am), please come along.

  • Please could you bring along any gardening tools etc. that you may have to help i.e. hedge strimmer, saws etc.

  • No need to sign up - just come along if you can!

Class Assemblies

It's been a while since we've been able to invite you into school. We can't wait to invite you back into school to see your child's class assembly. We will continue to reduce the number of children we have together in the hall so will only move to 'whole school' assemblies once it is safe to do so. In the meanwhile, each class will host their class assembly to their parents and one or two other classes in the school hall. These will start at 8.55 - 9.20ish so please join us in the school hall on the day that your child's class assembly has been scheduled.

Reception - Wednesday 29th June Year 1 - Wednesday 16th March - London

Year 2 - Wednesday 23rd February Year 3 - Wednesday 30th March - Stone Age

Year 4 - Wednesday 22nd June Year 5 Indigo - Wednesday 2nd March - The Pharaohs

Year 5 Blue - Wednesday 25th May - Greeks Year 6 - Wednesday 9th March - The Heart

Harvest @ Byfleet

Ms Scipior has kindly agreed to organise our Harvest collection this year. This year to celebrate Harvest Festival, Byfleet Primary School have once again decided to continue supporting our Local Foodbank. Although it is part of Woking Foodbank, Byfleet is very lucky to have a very local satellite Foodbank at The Methodist Church, Rectory Lane.

The foodbank helps local families and was operational throughout the Lockdowns, helping those in need. Byfleet community is known for pulling together and as we all know, charity begins at home, so what better way to combine celebrating Harvest and helping our local community.

Donations can be bought into school from Monday 4th October – Friday 15th October.

We will deliver this to the Methodist Church in time for distribution to people in need.

Any non-perishable items are greatly received, such as:


The Foodbank just ask for no perishable items as they can spoil easily and pass their sell by date before delivery to families. The foodbank also asks for items which have a long shelf life. Although the Foodbank will gratefully appreciate all donations, they have asked if we can avoid donating bags of pasta, tomatoes, baked beans and soup as they have a surplus of these food items.

Please support us, by supporting others in our local community.

halloween mufti day - friday 15th october

Homework Projects

It's been wonderful seeing some of the terrific homework projects coming in to school over the past fortnight. Thank you for supporting your child's home learning!

Year 6 Bikeability

Year 6 worked hard this week learning how to ride their bike safely on our busy roads.

The cycle instructors were very complementary about how well behaved and responsible our Year 6s were during this 4-day training.

Well done Year 6s!

Diary Dates

  • Friday 8th October - Reception to Year 6 Tray Afternoon (all parents welcome)

  • Saturday 9th October - Parents/Helpers Big Clean Up morning (9-11am)

  • Friday 15th October - Halloween Disco - CANCELLED

  • Friday 15th October - Halloween Mufti Day

  • Monday 18th October - New to Reception 2022 Open Day 1

  • Tuesday 19th October School Nurse to visit Y6

  • Thursday 21st October - New to Reception 2022 Open day 2

  • Thursday 21st October - Last day of Autumn 1

  • Friday 22nd October - Bank holiday in lieu of Queen's Platinum Jubilee

  • Monday 1st November - INSET 2

  • Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th November - Parents'/Carers' Evening - These will be online

  • Tuesday 9th November - FRIENDS EcoKids Clothing Collection

  • Friday 12th November - YR-Y6 - Flu Vaccinations - consent letter will be sent out on Monday 11th October

  • Friday 17th December - End of Autumn term

  • Tuesday 4th January - INSET 3

  • Wednesday 5th January - Start of Spring term

  • Wednesday 23rd February - Year 2 Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 2nd March - Year 5 Indigo Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 9th March - Year 6 Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 16th March - Year 1 Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 30th March - Year 3 Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 25th May - Year 5 Blue Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 22nd June - Year 4 Class Assembly

  • Wednesday 29th June - Reception Class Assembly

  • July 2022 - Y6 Residential

Term Dates 2021-22.pdf

To view 2021/22 school dates, please click here.

  • You will be aware of the Government's announcement of an extra Bank Holiday in June 2022 for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, which falls on Friday 3rd June - this is during half term. Consequently, schools have been allowed to reduce contact time by 1 school day to make up for this. Please note that we have chosen Friday 22nd October 2021. School will be closed on this day.

A big thank you to the parents and families of Byfleet who have committed to join us tomorrow for our 'Big Clean Up' from 9 - 11. We welcome as many helpers as possible so do come along if you have some spare time. Have an enjoyable weekend.

Kind regards,

Mrs Meyrick - Headteacher