School Counselor

Hello, my name is Aimee O'Connell and I am the school counselor here at Viking Middle School. I am here to provide support and resources for you and/or your student when needed. Along with being a school counselor, I also teach a few classes (Hawktime and Life Skills for 6th and 7th grades). Below are ways in which I can be a support to you and/or your student. I am happy to help as best I can! 

Let's have a great year :)

Aimee O'Connell

aoconnell@bwsd.k12.wi.us715.698.2456 x.3142

Ways to Work with Your School's Counselor 

If you are a student, you can work with your School Counselor to...

If you are a parent/guardian, you can work with your School Counselor to...