Creative & Expressive Arts

About the Creative & Expressive Arts Faculty

September 2020 saw the inception of the Creative and Expressive Arts Faculty at the School. The Faculty comprises the subjects Art, Drama, Design Technology, Music and PE, and was set up to allow staff to share resources and expertise, make greater cross-curricular links and work more collaboratively.

We now have such wonderful facilities for our Faculty with dedicated classrooms for all the different subjects. These are well resourced with plenty of equipment for the boys to enjoy exploring these subjects. To ensure the boys are given as broad an experience as possible, we now also run a rotation in Design Technology whereby boys in KS3 complete a term each of Catering, Textiles and Resistant Materials.

The aim is for all our boys to enjoy our subjects, be able to show creativity and express themselves in imaginative ways. They are also important for developing physical and emotional skills, and fostering a 'can do' attitude. In these subjects, the boys learn subject specific skills but also transferable skills for the wider working world, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, communication and teamwork.

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