
to the Learning Lab Teacher Support Zone.  Use the links above to access digital copies of forms, interventions, and other resources.

Student success team: procedure AND FORMS

You have identified that your student needs academic or behavioral intervention. 

Now what?

**There will always be extenuating circumstances that will need a fast pathway to an SST.  

Please see the Learning Lab teachers or Ms. Hale if you feel you have such a situation.**

Step #1: Identify the area of need for your student.  Be very specific--choose one reading, math, or behavior goal to work on first.  Your team collaboration time can be used to generate ideas for specific interventions, or you can see a Learning Lab teacher.

Step #2:  In approximately 4 weeks, document progress or lack of progress.  Be sure to save assessment data and work samples.  

Step #3: The 8 week progress check. If the student is making any progress, continue.  If no progress with 2 separate interventions, complete SST Referral Form (below.)

Step #4: SST Scheduled. Bring all pre and post-assessments from both interventions, work samples, and any other data available to the SST. Also be prepared to bring the student CUM folder, work samples, and district assessment data reports to the meeting. The SST team will identify the next appropriate course of action.

**This is the general path of intervention, there are always extenuating circumstances.