Black Women Who Made History

Our Project

We are Maddie and Sophie from Girl Scout Troop 70179 in Boulder, Colorado. We are 8th graders at Nevin Platt Middle School. Our project is a coloring book along with posters that feature 10 Black women that have made history and their stories.


Girls from our community recorded videos of themselves reading the stories. The stories of these women are now accessible to everyone on YouTube or here on our website.

Our Inspiration

We have witnessed people around our community racially profiling and it is not okay. Our friends have taken the time to educate us about their experiences and we hope to educate others.

How It Will Help

We believe that through education we can make the stories of these women into everyday knowledge and broaden the narrative. The stories of these historic women deserve to be everyday knowledge.


We are placing posters and coloring books in businesses, stores, and schools. We'd love to hear from you if you're interested in helping get them into your business or school.

Featured Women

We have chosen 10 Black women that have changed history as we know it, from doctors to athletes to activists to astronauts and more.

Supporting Black Business

We have chosen a locally Black woman-owned printing company, Creative Solutions. They have helped us throughout the process. Where we choose to spend money matters.


Research links.pdf

We started reading about these women on Wikipedia and did additional research to confirm facts and add additional detail to their stories. A full list is available here.


We found royalty-free pictures and outlined them on a drawing app. We added different pictures related to their occupation so even young kids who can't read yet can recognize these women’s accomplishments.

HRF Grant Recipients, City of Boulder

We applied and received a grant through the City of Boulder's Human Relations Commission to print and distribute coloring books and crayons to schools within the city limits. We are so grateful for their support. We've had over 1000 books distributed to the city schools!

Our Thanks

We owe a huge thanks to many people who have supported us along this journey. Namely our close group of friends, YOAB, Boulder NAACP, our Girl Scout leaders, BVSD, Lexmark, our AMAZING graphic designer, Hannah Tuell.

A special thanks to Lance and Lexmark who printed our first 300 copies at no cost.

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