SHMS Belonging & Inclusion 


April 2023

Southern Hills Families,

We thank you for your support as we've worked hard to focus on student learning, participation, and achievement. We're grateful for the district support we received during the time that Mr. White was out of our building, and we're excited to have Mr. White back on campus with us now. 

This semester has been busy! This month's newsletter has some exciting updates and information related to our work of building a community of Belonging and Inclusion at Southern Hills. 

In Partnership,

John White  - Principal

Liz Barcheck - Assistant Principal

Last Friday, April 7, 2023 - We Had Grade Level Community Meetings! 

On Friday, April 7th, we came together as a whole 6th, 7th, or 8th grade group and discuss our behavior and community expectations to finish the year in the best way possible. Students reviewed our common expectations for classroom, hallway, lunch, and before/after school behavior. 

We also briefly discussed fun culminating activities we're planning for the end of the year and possible consequences for misconduct. 

**Please review this presentation with your child at home and ask them questions about what we discussed. **

The Upstander video on slide 9 is a great one to watch together and debrief as a family. 

"In class I feel like I fit in." 

"I have great friends and teachers, they are all very kind."

"I feel unique from others." 

"I had a bright spot when I started theater. It made me feel welcome because no body really cared about who you were or what character you had , unless you wanted them to."


"Last year when I was in a club I felt really included and welcomed in brain bowl even though I was on the 8th grade team."

"I like how all the teachers are including me in activities, because I have no classes with any of my friends and I am very quiet so I am usually left out."

SHMS Student Voice Spotlight:

Share a Bright Spot with Southern Hills Related to Feeling Included or Where You've Had a Sense of Belonging

"I feel after I talk to a friend about my troubles I feel a little bit more that I belong."

"The musical has been great for me. I can be myself and not worry what people think of me-they can appreciate me for my talents and abilities, not what I look like or something stupid like that. I am so proud to be a theater kid because of this. "

"I've never been left out."

"In almost every class i feel like i belong and i feel like the teachers really want to get to know me."

"Lunch Basketball"

"I feel like this school is safe for me. I have friends and we care about one another. I have heard that others dont feel the same way, but I love coming here everyday and I think thats because of the kids that go here or the kids in my grade."

"I feel that my favorite part of the year so far was having fiesta in Spanish."

"All the good friends I'm making."

"I feel like at Southern Hills we are a very welcoming community and I feel like I'm able to say what I want to be and who I want to be. We have many clubs here that start after school which I like."

"Dungeons and Dragons club." 

"When running with our cross-country and tracks teams I feel like there are more kids like me and the coaches are all very kind." 

"Starting a club with one of my best friends and getting to be a leader and make a difference in school."

We want to make sure students and families know about this important resource:


Anonymously report anything that concerns or threatens you, your friends, your family, or your community. We take your reports any time, any day. You have the power to make a difference. Reports can be submitted by calling 1-877-542-SAFE (7233), using the link on the website, or through our mobile app.

After you submit your report, watch for any follow up questions, because the more information you share, the better the response to your report will be. Safe2Tell will send your report to appropriate school and/or law enforcement officials and verify report receipt and response.

Additional ways students can receive support is by clicking a school support link below:


Upcoming SHMS Community Night Sponsored by our DEI Committee: 

The Southern Hills DEI Parent Committee is centering its goals with a focus on strengthening and building community among school staff, parents, and students to positively impact our school culture and climate to create a space of belonging and celebration of all students.  

Join together for a night of music, dance, wonderful food and community at Southern Hills on Thursday, May 18 from 5:00-7:30pm. The evening will be a community celebration lifting up the beautiful uniqueness and opportunity to connect, learn and appreciate the similarities and different lived experiences of our powerful Southern Hills culture.  

If you are interested in helping with this event either with planning or volunteering, please contact Debbie Pope at 

Denver March Powwow- We Purchased over 79 Tickets!

SHMS families and students attended the Denver March Powwow last month. We are so pleased with the response to this offer. Our DEI committee was able to fund over 79 tickets to our community.  Next year we are hoping to organize even more around this important annual event.  To all who participated, thank you!

Free Movie Night - 'This is [Not] Who We Are', April 14th at 6pm 

Parents, teachers and staff are invited to a special screening of the award-winning documentary "This is [Not] Who We Are" at Creekside Elementary on April 14th from 6-8pm. This powerful film explores the gap between Boulder's progressive self-image and the lived experiences of its Black citizens. Following the film, Co-Director Katrina Miller will facilitate a panel discussion with members of the BVSD Youth Equity Council. Free childcare will be provided, as the film is not appropriate for elementary school aged-students. See this flyer to learn more and to register!  

Google/YWCA is Hosting a Coding/STEM and Connecting Program at Google on April 24 at 12noon 

This program will include the opportunity to learn some beginning coding, meet with some of the impressive women and BIPOC employees at Google, take a tour of Google, and enjoy some great snacks too. Please see the attached flyer.  If you have a middle school student or know someone who has a student who may be interested, please have them register using this link:

Space is limited and I'd love to see some of our Southern Hills kids be able to take part in this wonderful opportunity.