Asking Experts
Phone calls and conversations with experts:
Due to Covid 19 I didn't meet with anybody individually but here are some important details I picked up in conversations and interviews with experts.
The Colorado puppy rescue: As well as this being the place I adopted my dog from the Colorado puppy rescue center is an amazing place to adopt younger dogs from. This rescue gives puppies from far and wide a new place to live until they find a permanent home. One of my favorite stories they told me was about when one of their volunteers went to New Mexico to rescue only a handful of dogs but when she came back with a whole truck full of them the shelter had a difficult time placing them with their temporary families. Though it all worked out in the end it really showed me the importance of adopting animals rather than shopping for them.
My Mom: Not only did my mom grow up with animals but she also played a very important role in guiding me during my project. My mom is the one who first introduced me to the importance of buying specific types of dairy products. Though I am a vegan and my mom is a pescatarian, the rest of my family does eat meat and dairy products. My mom is also the one who initially got me invested in helping animals.
Experts: During the pinnacle expert event one of the experts from New York raised an important question surrounding my flyer distribution method. She raised the issue of the paper waist that I would be causing if I distributed too many of these flyers. As an alternative I only created a few posters and added a QR code to track my impact and progress.