Louisville Middle School

Science with Mrs. O'Donovan

select the button below for your class resources

Summer Time!

questions? email Ms. ODonovan: sandra.odonovan@bvsd.org

Bored? Need some summer science to stimulate your brain?

Option 1: Join the Summer Science Google classroom - observations of the world around us-join code: gqoh576

Option 2: Science and Data - take a look at the COVID-19 data for Colorado

updated daily - a great look at the math and science of our progress towards in person learning!

City of lousiville Open Space

Trout in the classroom

Help sessions?

via email, schoology or google classroom

Check IC for grades that are Missing, or below 3 (meeting grade level standard)

If you are not sure how to complete these assignments, check with Mrs. O'Donovan for a relearning opportunity to demonstrate your understanding!