Poetry Videos

-This is a link to the poetry videos. Please select a few to watch. When you have finished, you will select one and write a response to it and record your response using Flipgrid.

Click HERE for the Flipgrid.

Citing Sources within Text

Plagiarism...what is it and why should we avoid it? Please follow the steps below to complete the assignments.

What is Plagiarism?

1. Click here to read the article, "What is Plagiarism?"

Watch this BrainPop Video

2. Click here after you read the article and watched the video answer these questions.

3. You will be designing an infographic that can be used to teach other students about plagiarism. The links below are examples of infographics. Use these examples as inspiration for your own project.

4. Please use this graphic organizer to start planning your infographic.

5. Now it is time to create! You can use Google Drawing or Poster Paper and markers to create your infographic. You may want to take a look at the rubric before you begin. When you have finished, share your Google Drawing with Mrs. Gregersen or hand in your poster.

Have fun!