We will have updates on what is happening in PE and information on different activities and movement skills we are practicing. Make sure to keep moving with all of the resources that are on this LC page.

Try this fun video challenge for extra movement with your family!!!

PE E-Learn by Jason Denk

Decide on the word and do some movement with your family!!!

Do some TABATA with Pierce (1-2 LC) and his dad, Mr. Villecco who teaches PE at Aspen Creek!!!!

TABATA with Pierce and his dad!!

Another fun video with Pierce (1-2 LC) and his, Mr. Villecco! Dance party to the theme song from Ghostbusters !!

Dance Party to Ghostbusters with Pierce and his dad!

Drum along with Pierce and his dad, Mr. Villecco!! All you need is something to use as drum sticks. If you don't have exercise ball then pretend on that part.

Drumming with Pierce and his dad