
Teacher contact information

Miss Miki Novaria

Mrs. Sharon Troxell

Mrs. Katherine White

Back To School Night Presentation

Welcome to Emerald Elementary!

Alphabet Letter and Sound Practice

This is a wonderful video of one of our district's kindergarten teachers modeling how we do letter name and sound practice in our classrooms. Your child can talk along with the video and practice their letter/sound motions, too.

Fundations Movement & Sound Video

Kindergarten Alphabet Card

This is the letter card the kids use when writing. As the kids hear sounds in a word they write the letter that corresponds to that sound.

Fundations Student Sound Card 2 on 11x17.pdf

Kindergarten 'Must Write' Words

These are the three 'Must Write' word cards that we use in kindergarten. The first list contains all the words that kindergarteners need to be able to read and write by the end of May. When your child can read and write the words on the first list independently then you can start to work on the second list (then the third list). Please only focus on 2 or 3 words at a time until your child has mastered the words then add more words to practice. The kids will be using these lists during Writer's Workshop (our writing time) to help them spell.

This is the pin pad that was sent home a few weeks ago to help your child practice their student number. It is very important that your child memorizes their student number. They will use it to access ipad apps and to log onto our chrome books this year. They will also enter their number onto the keypad in the lunchroom when they are eating hot lunch. If you need another copy please contact your child's teacher.
