Student Products

As a technology teacher it was important to me to create units that teach technology skills while also supporting core content standards. My units always had the dual focus of teaching skills within the context of reinforcing grade level content.

First Grade

First grade students use Wixie to share what they have learned in science. The first project they create is a labeled drawing after studying volcanoes. At the end of the year, students research a habitat using PebbleGo, Epic Books and BrainPOP Jr. and create a Wixie project. Students researched a habitat in class, created habitat Wixie projects as a script for a video, created diorama as the backdrop to their video, and then recorded in front of a green screen. (Unit Plan)

Gianna Clark - Insects

Second Grade

Unit Plan

Third Grade

Third grade students use Google Slides and ThingLink to share their research about Colorado life zones (Life Zones Unit Plan) and WeVideo to explain the life cycle of an animal. (WeVideo Unit Plan)

Colorado Life Zones - Siena Friesen

Fourth Grade

Students researched Colorado between 1850 and 1925 to learn more about the farmers, ranchers, miners and city folk who lived during that time period. (Colorado history project unit plan)

Students used 360 images of cities and towns of Colorado as the basis for a Colorado Then and Now exhibit. Each student selected a city or town to research by comparing primary source images from different time periods. Then students explored each other's presentations to infer how Colorado has changed over time.