Ms. Gibson & Mrs. Sederstrom

We are thrilled and honored to have your child in class this year and look forward to a year filled with lots of laughter and lots of learning. In our classrooms, we strive to promote an atmosphere of trust, responsibility and respect, all while maintaining a sense of humor. We work hard to build a sense of community among our students while emphasizing the idea of teamwork. We value cooperation and collaboration in our classes ~ we believe that great things can happen when we all work together! Douglass Elementary is a great place where we truly enjoy being around such enthusiastic students, staff, and parents. Thanks so much for your support and we are looking forward to a great year! 

Anne Gibson

I've been an elementary school teacher for 20+ years (at Douglass and in Washington state) and received my master's at Teachers College, Columbia University. I'm originally from Southern California, but migrated north to attend Stanford. After residing on both coasts, I’m thrilled to be settled in Boulder. Outside of school, I enjoy camping, cooking, skiing, and working on mastering a 30 second freestanding handstand.


Dorrit Sederstrom

I've been a teacher for over 15 years, working with students ranging from preschool to third grade. I began my career in Los Angeles where I received a Master's Degree in Education from Pepperdine University. More recently, I was a third-grade teacher at Meadowlark School in Erie, following my time supporting the second-grade team at Douglass.

I was born in Estonia, and my family moved to the United States when I was a baby. I lived in several US cities, but I spent most of my youth in New England. As an adult, I also lived and taught for five years in São Paulo, Brazil.

My favorite thing to do outside of school is spend time with my husband, our two children, two dogs and cat. We love to play games, watch movies, play sports and travel.

I am very excited to be part of this amazing community and be a Dolphin again!