BHS Choir

Hello and welcome to Broomfield High School Choirs! My name is Michael Bizzaro and I'm the choir director. On this site you should be able to find answers to any questions you may have about the choir program. Please feel free to email me if you have any further questions! I do not have access to my office phone during remote learning. Should you need to speak to me, please email me and I will make arrangements to speak on the phone.

A bit about me:

I've been teaching high school choir in Colorado since 2012. I have a Bachelor of Music in Music Education and Music Composition from Ohio Northern University as well a Master of Music Degree in Choral Conducting from the University of Colorado at Boulder. I sing with the Denver based choir Kantorei. I live in Broomfield with my wife, Alex, and our dogs, Dexter and Larry


Contact Info
