Broomfield Heights Middle School

BHMS 1:Web

Dear Falcon Community,

We are very excited to roll into 1:Web at Broomfield Heights Middle School. Broomfield Heights is one of three middle schools in Boulder Valley to be the first to implement 1:Web with Chromebook devices being distributed to all 6th grade students on January, 2018.

We are happy to work in partnership with the Educational Technology team at BVSD and our colleagues at Broomfield High School to support purposeful and high-leverage adoption of 1:Web for our school community of students and teachers.

With the opportunity for individual web access, students will increase communication, expand collaboration, ask new questions, and create new solutions. Learning will be enhanced within the classroom and opportunity for ongoing learning will be accessible beyond the school hours. 1:Web will further Broomfield Heights Middle School’s mission to graduate successful, curious, lifelong learners who confidently confront the great challenges of their time.

On behalf of the Broomfield Heights staff, we look forward to our journey with this enhanced opportunity for innovation and extended learning for all students.


Erin Hinkle


Broomfield Heights Middle School
