Funding Improvements & Building the Future


Advisory Committee meetings are underway

The Baldwinsville Central School District has formed an advisory committee to continue work on future phases of our “Funding Improvements & Building the Future” capital improvement project.

Baldwinsville voters approved Phase 2 of our capital improvement project on May 16th and Phase 1 was approved by voters in May 2022. Plans for future phases need to be explored and each of our eight school buildings need to be assessed. Planning for our future and the best way to utilize our remaining school buildings is the charge of this committee. 

The committee will expand work started by the “Funding the Future” advisory committee, which met in 2018 and 2019. Each meeting of the “Funding Improvements & Building the Future” advisory committee will take place in one of our school buildings, allowing committee members to tour the facilities and discuss plans for the best utilization and improvements.