Bible Trivia Championship

If you missed our 2024 Bible Trivia Championship you can now go back and watch the video. Our students did amazing! They know a lot about the Bible!

Watch Chapel 

Check the day of the week by looking at the chapel announcement on your phase of school page.

Chapel Schedule

Fridays in the Worship Center

Watch chapel live or later by clicking the links here! Each chapel remains available to watch for one week or until another event takes place for that phase of school.

BVCS Mission Partners 

by Grade Level:


All School Chapel

Love Like Jesus

This year our chapel theme is “Love Like Jesus” and we will be looking at the life of Jesus in the Gospels. Our theme verse is 1 John 4:19 which says, “We love because he first loved us.” As we spend time with Jesus in the Word this year, our prayer is that each and every student would live out their faith and show the love of Christ to others.

NEW! 2023 Chapel Shirts now available! Click the link below to shop now.

Christmas Video

Our HS & 6th Grade Chaplains got together to do some interviews with our students about Christmas!