

I am excited to be the Instructional Literacy Coach for the 2023/2024 school year! In addition to providing students with a variety of reading materials, I will also be teaching them library skills.

K-4 Grades

Library specials is twice a week. One day will be a check out day, which will be the day your child will select a book to check out for one week. The other day will be a lesson day; this day will focus on a certain skill and if time, there will be a group activity reinforcing the lesson. 

5-8 Grades

Students will have library check out once a week during their ELA class. As the schedule allows, I will visit ELA classes per quarter to teach a lesson.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

~Ms. Dawson 


Grades K-2 Skills

Grades 3-4 Skills

Grades 5-8 Skills