
Vocal Music/Theater

Welcome to the Butterfield-Odin Vocal Music/Theater Page! Here you can keep up to date on projects we are working on, assignments that are given, view upcoming concert dates, and find out what's happening in the Theater Department! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!

Mr. Sean Benz

Director of Choral Activities

Director of Theatrical Activities

Butterfield-Odin Schools #836


(507) 956-2771 Ext. 145

Follow the choir on Instagram! Pictures will be posted of what is going on in the choir room, choir trips, concert preparations and tons more!

Handbook 2018-19.docx

The Butterfield-Odin Handbook is included to the left in case you or your child has misplaced their copy.

Parent Acknowledgement Form for Letter.docx

To the left is the Parent Acknowledgement Form that must be signed by the parent/guardian of the student enrolled in any of my classes

Grades 7-12- Letter must be returned by Sept. 7 for points

Grades K-6 - Letter must be returned by Sept. 10 for points