Meet Mrs. Morris

Contact info:

270-526-3361 extension 304

Hello, Library Friends!  My name is Mrs. Morris and I am so excited to see each of you in the library this year. 

Favorite color: blue 

Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper

Favorite restaurant: Anna's

Favorite place to shop: Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Hobbies: Reading and naps (but not at the same time!)

Favorite flower: Tulip

Favorite food: Shrimp

A little about me:

I have been married to the man of my dreams, DJ, for over 20 years. We have two wonderful (and sometimes rotten) kids. Samuel is 15 and Raye is 8. I attended the University of Kentucky (Go Big Blue!! #BNN) and received my Associates Degree. I then went to Western Kentucky University where I received my Bachelors in Education and Masters in Library Media. I taught in Bowling Green for 4 years in 1st and 2nd grade before coming to MES, where I have been the Library Media Specialist since 2012.