
Busara Center for Behavioral Economics

Busara is an advisory and research organization focused on advancing and applying behavioral science in the Global South. We work with organizations to build behaviorally-informed solutions to help scale their products, programs, and policies.

At Busara, we work to understand the context of decision-making in new markets, with a strong focus in Sub- Saharan Africa. Busara operates from its permanent offices in Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Tanzania, and has worked on projects with partners across the continent. We have recently scaled our efforts to Pakistan and are looking for other global partners.

UK Aid

UK Aid Direct is a £150 million programme currently changing the lives of over *4 million of the world’s poorest people with UK aid from the UK Government.

Funded by the former Department for International Development (DFID), now Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), UK Aid Direct supports small and medium sized civil society organisations (CSOs), based in the UK and overseas, to achieve sustained poverty reduction and to achieve the United Nations’ Global Goals (opens in a new window).


At Hivisasa, we believe that societies function best when information flows freely among people. This is why we've created Africa’s first crowdsourced news site. Our innovative platform allows you not just to discover untold stories but also to write your own.

Born five years ago, Hivisasa now reaches over two million Kenyan readers a month, whose engagement helps support 1,500+ pioneering local writers. And we are just getting started.

As a Kenyan company, community is at the heart of everything we do. All Hivisasa editors are local and proud to collaborate with writers from all walks of life to bring you the news you need to stay ahead.

As our mission, we are committed to fostering understanding, championing accountability and supporting collective action through local news.