Mr Holmes - Head of Computing

Microbit Hello.mp4

BT Adastral Bear Microbit Hello!

Year 5 Lego WeDo.mp4

Year 5 Lego WeDo with BT Adastral

Microbit Line tracker.mp4

Microbit Robot Line Tracking

Throughout your time at Horringer Court you will have a school email address that enables you to sign in to various online platforms we use for our lessons. These platforms give the children access to a multitude of different coding opportunities including Code.org, Scratch, Codecademy and Discovery Coding.

We have a brilliant relationship with the BT Adastral Park team and regularly take part in or host some of their events. The opportunities available to the children with BT include Lego WeDo, CSBot Rescue, Microbit coding, CrumbleBots and their British Science Week showcase events.

We also have an after school club run by one of our parents with a focus on robotics and RaspberryPi. As part of this club we have the opportunity to enter PiWars which is an international competition held in Cambridge each year.