Useful Information

Contact the School

If you have any questions you wish to ask please go to the 'Any Questions' section of the website.

If you would like to book a tour of the school on Saturday 7th November please contact the school on 01284 755626.

If you are interested in keeping up to date with things going on at the school please follow our social media pages, linked at the bottom of the screen, and fill out the 'Register Your Interest' form on this website.

Applications for Year 5 places

The deadline to apply for a Year 5 place is 15th January 2021, you can still apply after this date but you will be delayed in knowing if you have been granted a place.

If you have applied before the deadline you will find out on National Offer Day on the 16th April which school your child will be going to.

School Buses

The bus from Newmarket should run next year - it goes from Newmarket and stops at Moulton, Kentford and Barrow - prices and times will follow in the summer term.

The bus collecting from Tollgate picks up and drops off outside County Upper School - the Tollgate minibus stipulates that the child attended Tollgate School previously.

There will be letters of interest sent out after Easter for the Newmarket bus and the Tollgate minibus, both buses are subject to first come first served basis.


Uniform can be ordered online via our website.

You can order and pay online and then it will be delivered to school and Mrs Kemp or Mrs Gray will liaise with parents about collection, again later on in the summer term.

Cashless School

The school is now a totally cashless school. Parent's will receive ParentPay activation letters in the summer term ready to set up to pay for things in September. This system is set up for all school payments - lunches, trips and residentials.