Pastoral Support

Pastoral Team

Miss K Giles

Head of Sixth Form

Can help with the following: 

Sixth Form Tutors

Your form tutor will play an important role in supporting you through the next two years. There are many decisions to make which will have consequences for your future. It is your tutor’s role to support you in adjusting to the privileges and responsibility that being a sixth form student brings. They will ensure you are well informed about your choices after sixth form and beyond. 

You will be working in small tutor groups for lesson zero and have the opportunity to ask for help with whatever you need support with. Your tutor will be able to provide guidance on exam preparation, job and university references, time management skills and any other issues that may arise. You will also receive a curriculum that prepares you for independence in adult life and progressing to your next steps. 

Mr S Richardson

12 Hope

Mrs L Wood

12 Illustrious

Mrs M King

13 Achiever

Mrs N McCoy

13 Diligence

Mrs L Wright

13 Endurance