COSMOS Robotics


Assembled robot.

Programmed moving forward

Programmed circle turning


Refined circle turning.

Developing figure-eight maneuver

Installed gyro, developing gyro turn.


Was lectured about robot hardware

Did not develop robot today


Morning, field trip to Schilling Robotics, specializes in underwater manipulation remotely operated vehicles.

Afternoon, continued lab activities with robots

completed Figure 8 maneuver, 4 square with gyro, and refined gyro code despite problems with RobotC software. Included a lengthy purge of software and firmware.

Gyro turns run consistently.

Began development of obstacle course


Refined obstacle course code.


Completed obstacle course

Started and completed line follow.

Started color song, having difficulty due to inaccurate sensors and inconsistent colors. Trying to find way around the problems.


Continued to plan for final project.

Acquired main idea of tic-tac-toe robot, still refining details like movement.


After much struggle and modification of the course, was able to finally play the song on the line course

Started basic outline and construction of arm of the final robot.


Took apart outline assembly and reinforced basic idea of the 2-joint arm.

Began movement of arm. Not very accurate, but the arm can move.


Refined arm mechanics once again. More stability, accuracy, and stability.

Continued development of dispenser for the ball pieces.


Field trip to DMG Mori, a CNC and manufacturing company. Had a glimpse of what it is like to be on the manufacturing floor of the top CNC supplier.

Completed physical constriction of arm, board, and ball dispenser. Added black paper to the bottom of the board to aid color sensor.

Started coding of the project. Completed ball propping positions. Developing sensing mechanisms and intelligence.


Finished color sensing functions.

Continued development of robot intelligence. Currently developing two modes, easy (robot places balls randomly), and hard (robot actually thinks strategically).


Finished random placement game code. Can now play against a 'dumb' robot.

Continuing development of 'smart' robot code where the robot plays with mild strategy.

Final Project:

AlphaToe, the Tic-Tac-Toe robot

alphatoe pres