MRs. Niedermayer

Hello! Welcome to Mrs. Niedermayer's Web page.

Within this website you will find key information such as links, materials, and dates, all of which relate to my involvement at BCIT Westampton.

Let's have a great school year!

Fun fact, I have a great desire to go to Iceland. It looks like a planet out of Star Wars!

About Your Teacher


  • Teacher of Social Studies

    • USI

    • USII

    • World History

  • Pursuing my TOSD certification and Masters in SPED at Rowan University


  • BA of Social Studies Secondary Education from Rowan University

  • Attended Cherokee High School


  • Studies show that we make about 35,000 decisions per day. Each of those decisions impact our days, weeks, months, years and eventually our whole lives!

  • LEARN from your decisions, and make ones that align with your life goals.

  • LEARN to not let life happen to you, but to make something happen in your life!