Alexander Vallei

My name is Alex Vallei.  I have been teaching at BCIT since 2007.  I also taught at Rowan University for about 6 years.   If given the right circumstances, all students have the potentional to learn.

Below you will find the syllabus for each class that I am teaching for the 2024-2025 school year.  I also included the new dress code policy.  Please see below.  If you need to contact me, you can  reach me at:  Thank you.

Fundamentals of Geometry_2023-2024 POR.pdf

Fundamentals of Geometry--Fall 2023 Block 2

Below you will find the links to the other classes that I am teaching with content teachers from different departments..

Click on the blue button on the left to see the syllabus for Stem Science, Biology or World History, respectively.

(a) Henry Holbrook--Block 1 Stem Science.  Click on the link on the left for Stem Science to visit Mr. Holbrook's website

(b) Melania Paras--Block 3A/3B Biology. Click on link on the left for Biology to visit Ms. Paras' website

(c) Rachel Niedermeyer--Block 4 World History.  Click on the link on the left for World History to visit Mrs. Niedermeyer's website