Welcome to my site!

Welcome to Mrs. Lambert's classroom website! Here you will find various resources and bits of information related to each of the classes I teach or the teams I coach. Search around to find the correct location for your desired information. If you have any questions, e-mail me!


I grew up in Morganton and graduated from Freedom High School. I earned two Bachelor's degrees from Western Carolina University. I then went to UNC-Charlotte for my Master's degree. I love to read, write, cook, and work out. My favorite series is most definitely the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, but I love many, many more books. I coach some pretty awesome girls on the FHS women's soccer team. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

Fall, 2020

1st: Special Interest English

2nd: Communication Skills HN

3rd: Planning

4th: Communication Skills

Spring, 2021

1st: English I

2nd: English II

3rd: Planning

4th: AP Prep English II


Signing up for Remind messages is not required, but I most definitely encourage it! This is a way for me to send out reminders, let you know of schedule changes, and have conversations with students/athletes/parents. If you have a question, I can easily reply back with the desired information you need. Students who use this tool very rarely have late work or forget to study for quizzes and tests.