John G. Tower Elementary Library

About Our Library:

We are fortunate to have a very well stocked and up to date collection of books and resources, both print and digital, for our students and staff to enjoy. We work to make the library a safe and comfortable place for students to develop a positive attitude toward reading and learning. Reading aloud to students and talking about books are the two major ways we do this. Students also get the chance to play and explore their own interests during our Tinker Tuesday time - building, crafting, and playing games.

Library Policies:

*Students attend regular 20 minute (PreK and Kinder) or 30 minute (1st-5th) library classes once a week.

*PreK and Kindergarten students check out 1 book.

*1st grade - 5th grade students may check out 2 books at a time.

*Book loan period is two weeks.

*No fines for overdue books - but check out privileges may be suspended until books are returned.

*Replacement fees are charged for lost or damaged books.

What We Do