
Frequently Asked Questions

Health and Safety

  • What factors will determine if Wheelersburg Local Schools changes its plan of operation (Level 1, 2, 3 and 4)?
    The District intends to follow our color coded school plan that is coordinated with the OPHAS chart. The school plan level may change due to the following: the number of students & staff quarantined; the number of students & staff in isolation; a Scioto County Health Department directive; and other similar variables.

  • What disinfecting product(s) will be used on the busses and in the building?
    The District uses a product called Vital Oxide. We use this product because of its high efficacy against viruses and non-irritant status in regards to skin contact and inhalation. This a hospital grade disinfectant cleaner that is commonly used to combat viruses, but also Is used to reduce allergens. It is fragrance free and can be applied to a wide array of surfaces.

  • Will my child be required to wear a mask all day?
    All students and staff will be required to wear masks on busses and in the hallways but may remove the mask during specific learning situations with social distancing. Students will be in smaller cohorts and social distancing will be practiced in Plan Levels 2 & 3.

    A medical exemption form will is available (see below) for students who can not wear a mask for medical reasons.
    Mask Medical Exemption Form

    Face shields will be encouraged as an alternative to masks.

  • Will my child be required to wear a mask during P.E.?
    No, this is not a recommended practice.

  • Will my child be required to wear a mask during recess?
    No, this is not a recommended practice.

  • What happens if a child in the school brings Covid-19 in the building? Do children exposed go home for two weeks? What if their teacher contracts it? Do they do online learning until he/she returns back to school?
    The District has developed Return To School and Return to Work procedures in conjunction with the Scioto County Health Department for students and staff.
    The District will provide a substitute teacher who will collaborate with the regular teacher to provide services

Pirate Digital Academy

  • How is the Pirate Digital Academy different from the School Based Plan?
    Please read the document “Choosing Your Path” at this link:

Traditional Learning Path

  • How will the school accommodate children who do not have a technology device (laptop, PC, Chromebook, tablet)?
    The District will provide grade 4-12 students with a Chromebook. Students in K-3 grade who do not have a personal tech device will be provided a paper version that is similar to online where possible.

  • How is online learning different from remote learning?
    Not all remote learning is online. Remote learning is defined by the Ohio Department of Education as “...remote learning engages students through a variety of learning opportunities, which can be delivered online or offline. Remote learning does not just mean online learning. Technology certainly is a supportive tool for remote learning, but powerful remote learning can occur through thoughtful offline lessons that encourage students to explore the natural world and engage in interdisciplinary and artistic hands-on learning….remote learning means each student is experiencing a learning opportunity supported by a teacher or educator who is in a different location. Working in partnership with educational delivery partners, an educator might deliver instruction by using a device and checking in with students regularly. Remote learning also can include video or audio instruction delivered online or via television, video, telephone or another method that relies on computer or communications technology. It also may include use of printed, paper-based materials that incorporate assignments that engage and seek feedback from students.” http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Student-Supports/Coronavirus/Ohio%E2%80%99s-Remote-Learning-Resources

Teaching and Scheduling

  • I wish the kids could go more days than the current outlined plan. Will the District increase the number of days students attend classes?
    The District desires to provide as much face-to-face instruction as safely possible.
    The District is committed to monitoring our plan and making changes to benefit students if it can be done safely.

  • Will all the children in a household attend school on the same day of the week?
    The District plans to accommodate parents by scheduling students from the same household on the same day.

  • How were groups A and B chosen?
    Groups for residents were created using addresses and bus routes. They are balanced by gender and grade. Households and streets are grouped together. Non-resident groups were assigned by administration to create further gender and grade balance.

  • Will there be an open house?
    No, parents will need to say goodbye at the door. Teachers will be at the doors to help the students find their classrooms safely

  • What does it mean that elementary and middle school students are going to be in cohorts?
    This means that students will remain with the same group of students all day. Kindergarten classes have always operated in what would be considered cohorts.
    All elementary students will learn in their homeroom classes. 1st-3rd grade students will not be changing classes for reading and math. In Levels 2 and 3, students will attend recess with only their homeroom classes.
    In middle school, students will move with their homeroom classes all day.