August '21

Hello! Thank you to all who came out to our introductory meeting and first GAC of the year. Our next meeting will be on September 20th at 6:30pm. We will tackle the topic of Intensities in Gifted Children.

GAC 8-23-2021

GATE Advisory Council Slide Presentation Aug. 23, 2021

Last night, we had a great chat about what the program might look like this year and the particular emotional challenges students are experiencing returning to school.

Introductory Meeting 

Please visit the HOME page for a recorded version of the introduction to GATE and Giftedness.

It's BACK! This is my all time favorite resource. This always has great articles and I learn something new everytime. Click the picture for the magazine.

Check out the article:

Supporting our Brightest Minds: Ideas for Parents and Teachers to Challenge and Empower Gifted Students During a Time of Social and Educational Change