Jessa May D. Villareal1

Dr. Ernie V. Estrella

Bulacan State University



This study was undertaken to emphasize the need for the partnership of home and school in preparing children for their professional path. It proposed a suitable program that can be implemented. 

With the stiff competition in this day and age, many children find it difficult to decide what career they will choose. Home and school partnerships play a vital role in preparing children for their professional path. Their partnership can have a big impact on children’s success. Through the help and guidance of parents and teachers, children are more likely to understand their career choices. 

This study used mixed methods of research – the combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques in data collection.  The quantitative method produced numerical data that indicate the performance of participants while the qualitative method clarified, reinforced, confirmed, and validated the numerical data. The researcher used a survey questionnaire in gathering the necessary data from the respondents to sure accuracy and thoroughness 

This study focused on school heads, teachers, and parents in six selected schools in Calumpit South District-Division of Bulacan, two hundred thirty-eight respondents composed of six principals, 142 teachers and 90 parents unselfishly gave their cooperation to obtain the data for this research study. 

The findings confirmed a widely held notion that the principal, parents and teachers play a dominant role in shaping a child’s knowledge and skills. These are the reasons why they need coordination and strong cooperation in school. Parents and teachers are great assets of society in preparing children’s future careers. The guidance and partnership of home and school will complementarily help children in their choice of professional path. 

To strengthen the home-school partnership and help children decide on their future profession, the researcher crafted an action plan that will help children develop their skills and talents and use them to choose the right career fit for them. 


In this era of stiff competition, selecting a decent career path is crucial for every individual. Many children especially new elementary graduates are confused when thinking of a career to choose in the future. Choosing a career appears as the primary decision that one makes at a very young age. It is never easy for individuals to select what they want to do with their lives, especially when they are not mature enough to think ahead and make a knowledgeable decision. Although it may seem that students are not proficient to choose a career, the decision really depends on them. So, it is vital that they are knowledgeable about the alternatives and choices open so that when they choose a career, they won’t have to regret their choice. Students face a number of problems while choosing a career. Sometimes, the hurdles they face discourage them so much that they abandon their choice altogether. Because of lack of professional guidance, lack of financial resources, and fear of failure, students face several problems while choosing a career.

Kelly (2016) averred that many students are in the dark about what to do with their lives after graduating from high school. They waver about whether to go to college for bachelor’s degree or stop studying altogether and work at a job. Those in Grade 12 who are going to college after graduating from senior high school are considering various options like engineering, medicine, science, art, humanities, and other professions. They may be sure about what course to take but they are unsure of their career prospects. Indeed, the future is uncertain. Teachers can help students deal with uncertainty by offering them career-related advice from consultations with successful professionals and other specialists. Parents and teachers should make sure that students do not get unduly influenced by neighbors, peers, and popular personalities and by socioeconomic factors like poverty. Teachers can prepare them to face the stiff challenges of the competitive world and inform them about various occupations and their importance. Students may be confused about career options and may be afraid that they won’t be making the right decisions. At times like this, teachers need to guide them to the right career path. 

To make such decision-making less of a pain, home, and school early on play important roles to identify a child’s interests and developing skills, a prerequisite to determining his career inclination when he grows up. Home and school can provide guidance to students and assist them in realizing their dreams. 

Home is a wonderful dwelling place that provides security and happiness to children. This is the first avenue where children discover and develop their abilities and talents and build good moral character as guided by their parents. A home provides the emotional foundation for children to get along well with other people. 

Research Problem

The general problem of the study may: how may the home and school complementarily help children in their choice of the professional path? 

Specifically, this paper sought to answer the following questions:

1. How could a meaningful partnership be developed between home and school in preparing children for a professional path?

2. What are the roles of the following concerned persons who influence children in choosing their professional path?

2.1 parents

2.2 teachers, and

2.3 school head?

3. What activities in school help strengthen students’ awareness of their options? 

4. How may parents show their support for their child’s emerging choice of career?

5. What action plan may be proposed to strengthen home-school partnerships to help children decide on their future profession? 

Integrated Review of Related Literature and Studies 

Bregman and Killen (2015) documented in their research the finding that adolescents value parental influence and guidance in their choice of career and occupational explorations. It is important for parents to support and encourage their children as they explore the many options available to find which calling fits them best. Parents should guard against rejecting outright what their children are thinking about their future careers. If they react coldly and unapprovingly, the whole exploration process may collapse. Parents are advised to keep the lines of communication open and encourage their child to gather as much information as possible on his emerging career preferences.   

Parents must recognize that their role is simply to facilitate and direct their child’s career journey, allowing the child to make independent career choices in his first real step into adulthood. 

The theory’s main focus is the role of parents in directing a child’s journey. It stresses that they should recognize their roles in guiding the child to make independent career choices. It does not mention the role of school in shaping the career choice a student could possibly make. It is undeniable that parents are not the only people in a student’s life as their mentors play a part. Both home and school play vital roles in assisting students in choosing an appropriate career path for them. 

This theory emphasizes that adolescents value parental influence and guidance in their choice of career and occupational explorations. It also says that parents must recognize that their role is to facilitate and direct their child’s career journey. Truly, the parent’s role in a child’s life is critical for they serve as their primary facilitator. They should be responsible for their actions for they can either make or break their children’s dreams with the career decision they make.  

Meanwhile, Keller (2016) averred that parents serve as a major influence in their children’s career development and decision-making. Parents want their children to find happiness and success in life, and one factor which decides whether they attain these is career choice. His research also indicated that when students feel supported and loved by their parents, they develop confidence in their own ability to do research on career possibilities and to eventually choose an interesting and exciting career. This is important because as related studies show, adolescents who feel competent regarding career decision-making tend to make truly satisfying career choices when the time comes.

A father’s educational attainment was found to have an effect on Irish adolescents’ attitudes toward career formation (O’Shea & Kirrane, 2016). Interestingly, their study indicated that a father’s attitude towards managing the careers of family members becomes progressively more positive as he reaches the post-graduate level. Corollarily, his influence on the career choices of his offspring is greatly felt. This finding is corroborated by a related study that found that Canadian parents with high levels of education are better able to provide assistance to their children as they make educational and career plans (Domene, 2016). 

The theory focuses on parents as a major influence on their children in choosing a career path. It emphasizes the vital role of a parent in a student’s life so that he may develop confidence in his own ability to do research on career possibilities. But it does not cite any role of the school in students’ development leading to a proper career choice. Also, the school is the “second home” of these children necessarily gives it a major role in helping them decide on their life careers. Nonetheless, both the study and the theory point out the importance of parents in charting their children’s future. 

It is indicated that parents serve as a major influence in their children’s development and career decision-making. The theory also shows that when students feel supported and loved by their parents, they develop confidence in their own ability to ponder career possibilities and to eventually choose an interesting and exciting career. It is important for a parent to know this information. It is because as the most important people in a student’s life, parents can either lead the student to a career path where he will excel or discourage and demotivate the student. 

However, a study conducted in Nigeria (Obiyo and Eze, 2016) had a startling contrary finding. They disputed the assertion that parents’ education influenced Nigerian children’s choice of careers. However, parents’ careers may influence their children’s career choices. This much was revealed in India where parents’ careers were found influential on students’ choice of careers (Bakshi, Ghandi, Shah & Maru, 2016). 

The study found that parents influence their children in choosing professions or vocations. But there are a handful of other ways that a parent can influence his child in choosing a career. Also, parents are not the only ones who can inspire students with their life’s work; educators do. Knowing that students spend most of their time in school, teachers can also have a great effect on the choices they make. But nevertheless, the study, just like the present study, conveyed that parents are greatly responsible for assisting their children in choosing an appropriate career.


The study employed mixed methods of research, adopted to gather specific and concrete data and information, (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2003). It is a procedure for collecting, analyzing, and mixing quantitative and qualitative data at some stage of the research process within a single study to understand a research problem more completely (Creswell, 2002). The rationale for mixing is that neither quantitative nor qualitative methods are sufficient by themselves to capture the trends and details of the situation such as teachers’ and parents’ complementation to help children in their choice of professional path. 

In quantitative research, an investigator relies on numerical data (Charles & Mertler, 2002). The authors explain that a researcher uses post-positivist claims for developing knowledge such as cause and effect thinking, reduction to specific variables, hypotheses and questions, use of measurement and observation, and the test of theories. A researcher isolates variables and causally relates them to determine the magnitude and frequency of relationships. In addition, a researcher determines which variables to study and he chooses instruments that will yield highly reliable and valid scores.  


The general problem of the study is: How may the home and school complementarily help children in their choice of the professional path? 

Specifically, this study seeks answers to the following questions:

1. How could a meaningful partnership between home and school with regard to preparing their children for a professional path be developed?

Parents and every member of the school community play major roles in shaping a child’s career. Parents and teachers are the first people who help children grow as individuals. Through their collaboration and cooperation, they help children consider the professional path they want to take in the future and prepare for it. 

Parents serve as lamps lighting their children’s way. They bear the light; they extend their support as they educate their children and shape their character. Definitely, a great impact is imprinted on children’s minds when their parents monitor them in their learning process, supervise them and provide inspiration and advice in all their undertakings.

On the other hand, teachers mold children’s minds and equip them with knowledge and skills that serve as early training for their career choice. Every day that they teach and guide children, they prepare them for their future calling. They are the parents’ partners in providing valuable information about their career choices-- whether they dream of becoming doctors, nurses, pilots, engineers, lawyers, architects, accountants, businessmen, or teachers. Without the help of teachers, there can be no great professionals. 

A strong working relationship between parents and teachers, manifested through regular communication and cooperation, certainly prepares children for their career prospects early on. 

2. What roles do the following concerned persons play that influence children’s choice of the professional path? 

2.1 parents

Parents have such a great impact on children. Their guidance and support help the children be clear about their career options in the future. They motivate their children to study hard and do well in school. Parental involvement, love, understanding, and full support help their children choose their life’s work well. 

2.2 teachers

Teachers are tasked to enlighten children about the career path they want. As second parents, they are there to provide opportunities for professions they are interested in. Moreover, they provide information about professions as help children develop their talents, abilities and skills. By exposing them to interesting and skill-based activities, guiding and supporting them every step of the way, and making students feel their love and concern, teachers help children succeed in whatever career they end up in. 

2.3 school head

The school head is the moving spirit behind the school’s academic and curricular programs-- all aimed to promote student development. The school head creates an environment in which the children prosper. Their growth is manifested in ways such as the increased ability to think about the future and what it holds for them. 

A school activity in which the school head directly impacts students’ career choices is the educational field trip. It is of great help to children in knowing about different professions. As it enhances classroom learning by connecting it to the real world, and as it exposes children to the world of work, the enriching experience helps open the children’s minds so that they will join it in the near future. 

3. What activities in school help children become aware of their career path? 

Several activities in school can help children become aware of different careers they can choose from. First and foremost is showing of pictures of service providers in the community. In this activity, the children choose a picture and discuss in class their dream career depicted in the picture. 

Career integration may be applied in different subjects for pupils to know about different careers although incidentally. Video presentations featuring success stories of famous personalities will motivate them to shine, to be successful and famous too. Role-playing is also effective in driving home the messages. During career day, the school can hold a contest where children model their dream profession. 

School calendar celebrations such as National Arts Month and skill-based competitions such as science quiz bee, MTAP challenge, EPP techolympics, essay writing, and poster-making contests commemorating significant occasions make children aware of the career path that awaits. 

4. How do parents show their support for their child’s professional inclination?

The love of the family is one of life’s greatest blessings. In particular, the love of parents for their children cannot be measured, quantified, or compared to any material thing in the world. Parental love is generous and self-sacrificing; it is not limited to providing for the needs of the family but extends to bringing up the children the best way. To be sure, there are parents who neglect, abuse, and do harm to their children but this is an aberration of character, a deplorable exception to the universal notion of parents’ nobility. 

Other people may extend support to children, but no one can match the breadth and depth of parents’ support. Parents constantly monitor their children’s progress from infancy. When children start to show signs of occupational inclination, parents can show support by knowing about their dream profession, providing insights into the field that they know of to make the child understand what the work entails, and helping the child acquire traits and skills that will fit him in if ever. Additionally, parents should provide a stimulating environment where children exert effort to learn and enjoy it. Not to mention the moral and financial support coming from a deep well of unconditional love and care. 

5. What action plan may be proposed to strengthen the home-school partnership to help children decide on their future profession? 

The researcher crafted a one-year action plan containing specific activities for each month that will hone the children’s skills and talents which can guide them in choosing the right occupation for them. 


Based on the findings, the researcher came up with the following conclusions: 

Parents and teachers play dominant roles in shaping a child’s knowledge and skills. For this reason, they need effective and genuine coordination and sustained communication to oversee different facets of children’s development such as preparing for a future career. Through their guidance and support, home and school complementarily help children to be open to various careers in the country. 


The following recommendations are offered to children prepare for their professional path:

1. The partnership between parents and teachers may be institutionalized and spelled out in concrete, specific ways as a tool to reinforce children’s developing skills. 

2. Parents and teachers should train children in doing household chores such as cooking, gardening, and cleaning the house to develop a love of work and service. 

3. Schools should invite alumni who are good speakers to inform children about the different professions and help them limit their options. Symposiums and panel discussions will serve the purpose. 

4. Include in career orientation talks on technical-vocational courses to stimulate students’ interest in tech-voc occupations instead of white-collar professions. This is to acknowledge the growing demand for technical vocational skills in the labor market in the Philippines and overseas. 

5. Implement the sustainable action plan proposed in this research. 


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