Ramon S. Reyes 1

Dr. Rainela M. Blanco 

Tangos National High School

Schools Division of Navotas City, NCR 1

Department of Education, Division of Bulacan 2


This study entitled “Instituted Mechanism on Selection and Promotion of Teachers to Administrative Positions in Public Schools” employed qualitative research using descriptive phenomenological approach. It focused on how the Personnel Selection Board manages the selection and promotion of personnel cognizant of merit and fitness during the School Year 2020-2021. 

Promotion means advancement of an employee from one position to another with an increase in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law, and usually accompanied by an increase in salary. And selecting the wrong person in a particular position can have disastrous effects on an organization's productivity, morale, time, and budget. A gap of leaders will arise in the following years, making it necessary to know and use the right strategies for promoting and selecting the appropriate people who can successfully lead a school or an organization. Therefore, promoting and selecting the right leaders is a fundamental challenge for all organizations worldwide. 

The informants who were selected to provide the on mastery and preparedness on the judicial in promotion and selection in the Division of City Schools of Navotas are the teachers who have had experience in the promotion process. Shared the implementation on selection and promotion process guidelines. Mostly the school heads, master teacher department heads and the personnel school board in division of Navotas who encountered on how they were promoted. Promoting the wrong person might affect the whole organization’s productivity. 

For the Department of Education interested applicants are chosen based on the criteria stipulated in Department Order Number 66 series 2017.

Key Words:  Mechanism, Promotional policy, Productivity, Guidelines


Teacher promotion is an essential issue in school administration that ask for more focused attention.  Promotion can be regarded as the passage to a higher rank. In management, promotion is one of the reinforcers of the reward system to help motivate employees. Once a teacher gets promoted, the salary will automatically increase. Other rewards include desirable work assignments, autonomy, and participation. 

In Education Management, the main tool in promoting teachers is DepEd Order 42 s. 2007, the Revised Guidelines on Selection, Promotion, and Designation of School Heads. The school Head is responsible for administrative and instructional supervision of the school or cluster of schools. As such, expect them possess leadership traits.  To further achieve the principles of merit and fitness, objectivity, uniformity in evaluation, and strengthening of the selection process for other teaching, related teaching, and non-teaching personnel in the Department, significant revisions are hereby adopted. Another issuance that serves as a promotion guide is DepEd order 66 s. 2007 entitled Revised Guidelines on the Appointment, Promotion of Other Teaching, Related Teaching and Non-Teaching Positions.


This section aims to set out the methodological approach to discovering an individual’s personal experience in selecting and promoting basic education procedures. This section presents the aim of this research and the methodological approach adopted. It presents the chosen sample and the data collection and analysis method. 

Document Analysis

The researcher employed document analysis to analyze documentary evidence presented by the PSB and answered specific question “How may the procedure for selecting and promoting teachers in basic education be described? The Registry of Qualified Applicants from the said division was carefully analyzed and verified if the result is cognizant of DepEd Order 42 s. 2007 and Deped Oder 66 s. 2007.

Research Statement

The PSB instituted measures for an effective process to choose the best and the brightest candidate to fill in the vacant administrative position in the Schools Division of Navotas.

Validation of Study Instruments

To gather the qualitative data, a researcher-made interview guide questions were used; before the administration, it was validated by Elsa R. Mata LRMDS Education Program Supervisor from SDO Navotas, Maribel S. Perez, Senior Specialist Research from SDO Bulacan and Alfie A. Tabin, Dean, College of Education from Universidad de Manila. The purpose of the interview is to find out the informants’ views on the stipulated criteria reflected in the D.O. No.66, s.2017 that the Division Selection Committee follows and the evaluation of school administrators on the selection and promotion process based on the competencies and character teachers promoted and deployed in their school in terms of (1) Composition on Personal Selection Board (2) Performance rating should be Very Satisfactory (3) Experience (4) Outstanding Employee Award (5) Innovation- is something new, original and self-initiated (6) Research and Development Project (7) Publication (8) Consultancy, Speakership, Chairmanship shall be supported by Certificate of Recognition or Appreciation (9) Education and Training (10) Potential in Oral and Written communication (11) Psychological Attributes and Personality traits. Follow-up interviews were conducted to explicitly explain and formulate themes, particularly on the legal literacy and preparedness for the rational processes for selecting and promoting teachers for administrative posts. Practices of the School Division Office in recruitment, selection, placement, induction, and SDO's sustainable learning and development.

 Selection of Informants

The researcher purposively selected the informants of the study. They were chosen based on having actual knowledge or experience of the concept or phenomenon being studied. They provided the needed information on the stipulated criteria on the D.O. No. 66, s.2017, their best practices in the SDO’s selection, promotion, induction hiring process, and sustainable learning and development of teachers. 

The five-personnel selection board, five School Heads, five master teacher, and five department heads of Division of City of Schools of Navotas were selected to elicit data on their legal literacy and preparedness on the judicial processes regarding faculty and non-academic personnel promotion, processes done based on the competencies and character, problems encountered in selecting teachers and the sustainable learning and development provided for teachers for administrative position. It is worth mentioning that Master Teachers act as co-administrator, and are responsible for instructional supervision, and can suggest measures for better implementation of the selection and promotion process guidelines. Likewise, the Head Teachers work with the governing body to decide the school’s values, making this known to pupils, staff, parents, and the wider community. 

The School Heads, also included as informants, have various responsibilities, including managing human resource, financial resource, educational activities of students and teachers, external relations, the well-being of students and teachers, and teaching students. They can give meaningful contributions to the result of the study. To be promoted in this position is crucial in handling the school; they need to pass the principalship test; the requirement is not the same in Head Teacher and Master teacher.  It is vital in research that many professional associations and agencies adopt codes and policies that outline ethical behavior and guide researchers.  These codes addressed honesty, objectivity, respect for intellectual property, social responsibility, confidentiality, non-discrimination, etc.

It has been explained to the informants that their identity would be held confidential, and they would not even be  compelled to do the interview or have it without their prior permission. The present researcher assured that all information that they would provide during the interviews would be used only for this dissertation study.  He also assured the informants that their real names would not be divulged and, instead, coded names would be used in addressing each of them throughout the study. The informants kept their identities unknown, using pseudonyms to conceal their identities. The researcher used pseudonyms to disguise the identity of the informants, namely:  “Newbies” for newly promoted informants to an administrative position; “Oldies” for candidates who joined the open ranking but cannot remember the exact date because it was more than eight to ten years; “RM”  stands for retentive memory, refer to informants with remarkable experience by the time of the ranking;  “SC” stands for Sport Candidate who accepted his/her defeat and respected the decision of the PSB; “AMTSH” for Master Teacher informants; “ASHT” for informants with Head Teacher position;  and lastly PSB for the informants who are members of the Personnel Selection Board.

Research Instrument

This study employed different research tools to gather data on how the Division of City Schools of Navotas implements the rational processes and realities surrounding selecting and promoting teachers to an administrative position. Experts from SDO Navotas and SDO Bulacan validated the interview guide questionnaires. They are the Senior Education Program Specialist for Research. After validation, the interview guide, probing, and overarching questions were distributed online through google form to the informants. The researcher believed that people’s consciousness might also affect their sincerity and effectiveness in answering the guide questions. 

The interview guide questionnaire consists of questions that determined the data on the stipulated criteria of the DepEd Order and Republic Act. The Division Selection Committee follows specific procedures in the selection and promotion process.

Aside from it, a video call interview was conducted, which elucidated the legal literacy and preparedness of PSB on the diplomatic process of selection, and promotion, problems encountered, the best practices employed, and the intervention program for enhancement of continuous improvement. Interviews are beneficial for getting the story behind an informant's experiences. The interviewer can pursue in-depth information around the topic and may be helpful as a follow-up to certain informants.  


Data Gathering Procedure

Before conducting the study, the researcher asked the permission of the schools. 

Division Superintendent. He sent a request letter and endorsement letter to the Schools Division Superintendent and the selected school administrators. Then he submitted copies 

of the interview guide questionnaire to the informants.  Experts from SDO Navotas, Education Program Supervisor Elsa R. Mata and Maribel S. Perez Senior Specialist Research of SDO Bulacan validated the interview guide questionnaires. They are the Senior Education Program Specialist for Research. After validation, the interview guide, probing, and overarching questions were distributed online through google form to the informants. The researcher believed that people’s consciousness might also affect their sincerity and effectiveness in answering the guide questions. 

The researcher retrieved, analyzed, and interpreted the interview guide questionnaires. The Researcher reviewed the answer and made a follow-up online video call interview for clarificatory dialogues. Thematic, narrative, and comparative analyses from that online interview were analyzed to elicit the needed information. For easy data retrieval, the researcher kept in touch with the school administrators and staff in the Division Office.

The Division Selection Committee of the Schools Division of the City of Navotas was given a short briefing concerning the nature and purpose of the research one week before the interview. There were no incentives offered for participating in the research. The researcher used audio – recordings device on each informant, and after the data were gathered, they were transcribed verbatim for data analysis.

Video calls also happened to comprehend the informants answered clearly. Another was also conducting the ambush interview for hanging and follow-up questions. The researcher assured the informants that the data gathered were for research purposes and treated discreetly.

Once the data was transcribed, it was coded, analyzed, interpreted, verified, and organized into themes and sub-themes that emerged through the coding process. Transcribing the interviews can help the researcher understand the subject by repeatedly listening to and reading the transcribed interviews. Coding the data began once all the data was fully transcribed. The codes applied are keywords used to categorize or organize text and are considered an essential part of qualitative research. The themes which emerged were assigned a specific code accordingly. The next stage involved interpreting the data by identifying any reoccurring themes throughout and highlighting any similarities and differences in the data. The final step involved data verification. This process checks the validity of understanding by rechecking the transcripts and codes, thus allowing the researcher to verify or modify previously arrived hypotheses.


1. “How may the procedure for selecting and promoting teachers in basic education be described?”

Chapter Synthesis

Based on the informants’ responses to the question stated above, it is 

imperative to understand and be aware of the DepEd Orders and Republic Act in any ranking position to be promoted for teachers, master teachers, and school heads. It is somehow the mandate set to applicants who wish to be upgraded to the higher post on the level of awareness on D.O 66, s. 2007, D.O 42, s. 2007, the MECS Order No. 10 s. 1979 as legal bases of selection and promotion intended for DepEd personnel concerned. Informants’ responses imply that exposure to the different criteria stated on the legal grounds by attending seminars and orientations is highly significant. The awareness indicates better preparations of the applicants' documents before the day of selection and promotion.

Additionally, this Chapter pertains to the Informants’ answers regarding the Laws, experiences, descriptions, and procedural aspects manifest that most informants are aware of the Memoranda and Guidelines in the selection and promotion process, even the newly promoted personnel. On the other hand, some informants revealed their lack of understanding of the procedures and processes in the selection and promotion. They only relied on the experiences shared by their peers but not totally on the actual explanation and interpretations of the aforesaid legal bases. The informants’ responses reveal that it is imperative to know the ranking procedures so their admirable achievements, education, training, psychosocial attributes, and potential would be rated accordingly.

This will discuss the Deped Order issued to strictly followed by the aspiring teachers to be promoted. 

Legal Bases

Per DepEd Order No. 66 s. 2007 “Revised Guidelines on the Appointment and Promotion of Other Teaching, Related Teaching and Non-Teaching Positions,” ranking for vacancies to Teacher II and Teacher III positions for Elementary Level will be conducted at the Division Office. The Secondary Level and Implementing Units will be conducted at the school where the item belongs.

The findings showed that the informants reacted or answered religiously regarding the mechanism of selecting and promoting teachers to admin posts that the impact was more significant for some participants than others; as the findings of this study highlight, the personnel school board who scrutinizes the candidate in selecting and promoting teachers. was anchored on the basis made in the Department Order and the Civil Service guidelines stipulated in Republic Act. The informants’ responses reveal that it is imperative to know the ranking procedures so their admirable achievements, education, training, psychosocial attributes, and potential would be rated accordingly.

2. How does the PSB implement the teacher's selection and promotion guidelines?

Chapter Synthesis

To capsulize the sub-questions stated in this Chapter, the informants discussed how the mandates of embracing the duties and responsibilities in the selection and promotion of the applicants.  They mentioned that some guidelines must be modified to fit the applicants' current situation while the policies are not suffering but contextualizing. Most of the informants revealed that they did not experience any difficulty implementing the pertinent legal bases for the promotion and selection of applicants. Transparency is still the best practice in measuring applicants’ documents, as revealed by the informants. Online posting of memoranda and pertinent provisions of the selection is one of the best practices that can be accomplished by updating and informing all school heads and teachers for all vacancies so that their papers and documents shall be accepted during the applications for proper evaluation revealed the informants. Also, Informants stated that it should be part of the best practices the idea of conducting orientation by the Division PSB to all interested applicants before submitting documents for the vacant position to ensure the proper dissemination of the apposite guidelines.

The Informants’ responses imply that the PSB strictly followed the guidelines. Most informants said their duty and responsibility are to implement the prescribed standard. Among the most critical legislation for PSB professionals to know, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws protect against the discrimination of any individual based on age, disability, genetic information, national origin, race/color, sex, pregnancy, or religion. HR professionals should be familiar with the individual laws that safeguard these protected classes of individuals.

Moreover, the Informants’ answers imply that the modification does not give attention to the informants because assessing the documents is not his practice. Still, someone doubts that transformation happens that may cause a changing decision. Successful adaptation to change involves effectively managing it through careful planning, training, development, monitoring, and evaluation. Any change requires everyone affected by that change, from top to bottom. And that will give some dissatisfaction for every candidate acting their practice in dedication and commitment to the quality of education as a teacher.

Likewise, it implies that promoted teachers do not care about selecting and promoting teachers for which what is important is to be promoted. It is an issue for others on how it is conducted. The Department of Education (DepEd) policy strictly follows the principles of merit, competence, fitness, and equality. The selection of employees shall be based on their relative qualifications and competence to perform the duties and responsibilities of the position. In this pursuit, the DepEd Merit Selection Plan is imperative to establish a system characterized by strict observance of merit, competence, and fitness principles in selecting employees for appointment to positions in the career and non-career service at all levels; and to create equal opportunities for employment to all who are qualified to enter government service and for career advancement in the DepEd, regardless of gender, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity, or political. Transparency is one of the good practices of PSB.  It is about creating insight for someone who is not involved. 

The Selection process that be deliberated in this finding.

  DO 29, S. 2002 – Merit Selection Plan of DepEd

The finding showed that the implementing rules and regulations imposed by the PSB, as indicated in DO 29, s. 2002 for the teacher applying for the administrative position is well defined as most informants say it is adequately implemented and has some contested. Isolated cases that they can manage. Moreover, the Informants’ answers imply that the modification does not give attention to the informants because assessing the documents is not his practice. Still, someone doubts that transformation happens that may cause a changing decision. Successful adaptation to change involves effectively managing it through careful planning, training, development, monitoring, and evaluation. Any change requires everyone affected by that change, from top to bottom. And that will give some dissatisfaction for every candidate that may be acting their practice in dedication and commitment to the quality of education as a teacher.

Moreover, the Informants’ answers imply that the modification does not give attention to the informants because assessing the documents is not his practice. Still, someone doubts that transformation happens that may cause a changing decision. Successful adaptation to change involves effectively managing it through careful planning, training, development, monitoring, and evaluation. Any change requires everyone affected by that change, from top to bottom. And that will give some dissatisfaction for every candidate that may be affecting their practice in dedication, commitment to the quality of education as a teacher.

3.“What is the preparation of school head for the evaluation of credentials, requirement of teachers for nomination to an administrative position?”

Chapter Synthesis

To sum up, the informants revealed how the School Heads support their application in the promotion process of their teachers. Their influence is highly significant in giving opportunities and challenges in decisions in line with hiring and promotion. The informants ' answers are manifested by sending seminars for their professional growth, providing additional tasks to improve their skills and handle problems, like influencing decision-making. Leading example and loving your work are the best motivation to work hard for teachers.

Based on the statements given by the informants, it implies that updating documents, attending seminars, finishing the studies, and training in the school task preparation for an administration position is vital. To maximize learning among students, teachers must acquire the needed competencies as a curriculum requirement and, when required, critically decide in some complex situations.  Advising on preparing documents aside from getting the latest certificate and passing on what is being said in the Memos from PSB is the common and basic style the informants get to their co-teachers even though they are also applying for the same position. Friendship is still mattering according to those who are the ones expressing sentiments. They also believe that seniority is an edge for promotion.

Furthermore, informants’ sentiments imply that teachers must efficiently and effectively manage all the tasks assigned to them, whether related to classroom functions or school-related responsibilities. Their expertise and service for the welfare of everyone can make a significant impact in our community. Time management, motivation, empowerment, and appreciation are vital in helping teachers cope with their tasks. Having a positive mindset and perspective toward work can help accomplish their sworn duty as molders of the future generation. It helps a lot the task given to them in school before they don’t want to accept any responsibilities assigned to them for how many years but realize even too much paperwork it is benefited at latter part not only for professional growth as well as soon to be needed if they are going to apply for the highest position.

Also, fairness in promotion is a core issue for the organization as it is directly related to some of the most organizational outcomes—an addendum D.O. No. 3, s.2016 to DepEd No. 32, s.2016 allows creating a composition board (PSB) that authorizes a representative of a duly accredited organization and Education Program Supervisor 

to be proficient and knowledgeable in the track/learning needed in the evaluation of Academic and other tracks required.  Faithful to the merit and fitness principle of the Department of Education, professional standards and evaluation ensure the promotion of highly competent individuals with the appropriate qualifications and specializations to teach in the SHS program. This is clearly stated that fairness and transparency for the member of PSB holding this training, shared by the promoted teacher to admin post during that time until today that is their practice to be always transparent.

The contribution of teacher’s documents assessed in this section.


     Seminars for the teacher are the essential contribution of the School Head. Attending these seminars will help create an effective learning environment, improve teaching-learning situations, keep updated on modern instructional devices and inspire them to become better teachers in the contemporary world. Pursuing their studies also gives a motivational word for their teachers. The findings showed despite the preparation made by the school head to their teachers in applying for the vacant position. Still, the criteria for selection and promotion requirements will be the PSB practice prevail that disappoints the aspiring teacher. The informants ' answers are manifested by sending seminars for their professional growth, giving additional tasks to improve their skills and handle problems, like influencing decision-making. Leading example and loving your work are the best motivation to work hard for teachers. Their influence is highly significant in giving opportunities and challenges in decisions in line with hiring and promotion.

4. What difficulties have been experienced by the personnel selection board in the selection and promotion of teachers?

Chapter Synthesis

     The chapter discusses the informants’ experiences during the ranking process, and their responses differ. This generally discusses the experiences of the personnel selection board members in the selection and promotion of teachers. These experiences were represented by subthemes such as the defeated opponent, the inquisitive applicants, question here, question there, question anywhere, and an experience worth remembering. 

     The sub-theme, the defeated opponents, discussed their tremendous experiences. The informants shared their main problems encountered in the ranking with the applicants who did not accept their defeat.  This is one of the common issues during the ranking, and this should be appropriately addressed to eradicate this problem. On the other hand, the subtheme, interested applicants, showed the experience of personnel selection board members in handling applicants who were so conscious of their points and scores. 

     The third subtheme, empty headedness, discussed their experiences with applicants unaware of the ranking, policy, and procedures. The fourth subtheme, an experience worth remembering, presented the joyful experiences of the PSBMs, and these are the things that they will never forget. The icing on the cake is the last sub-theme. It delved into how the PSB members exchanged ideas regarding the ranking procedure to select the best applicant to be promoted to a higher rank and handle a more difficult position.


     From a motivation perspective, promotion is a reward for working hard. Suppose rewards are allocated only on non-performance factors, such as seniority, job title, or across-the-board pay raises. In that case, teachers are likely to reduce their effort to give their best to enhance their performance and uplift their accomplishments. Sometimes it may create issues and pain in the neck of the higher officials. 

     On the other side, the PSBMs should be extra careful in choosing the right individual for the ranking. Often the wrong ranking system creates troubles. This finding is supported by Lialabi's (2016) study, which discussed that some teachers complain about underserving teachers. According to her determination, they get promoted at the expense of other hardworking teachers.  Therefore, to maintain a peaceful and good working relationship among the people in the school, the right, fair, and just ranking should be done. The existing policies of the department on this significant endeavor should be observed to motivate the people to extend their effort and give their best for the benefit of the important clientele of every educational institution, the learners.

This unit aims to present the problem being raise of the candidate.

Assessment. Different interpretations during scrutinizing of candidate's papers within the PSB. Assessment of documents is a common problem, as the informants declared when they applied for the vacant position. The finding showed that teachers have not agreed on the results and have continued to happen despite PSB following the guidelines. Sometimes it may create issues and pain in the neck of the higher officials. From a motivation perspective, promotion is a reward for working hard. Suppose prizes are allocated only on non-performance factors, such as seniority, job title, or across-the-board pay raises. In that case, teachers are likely to reduce their effort to give their best to enhance their performance and uplift their accomplishments. 

5. What challenges have been encountered by the teachers nominated to an administrative position?

Chapter Synthesis

The chapter presents the challenges encountered by the informants aiming for or aspiring for an administrative position during the ranking process. Varied experiences were shared, and different interpretations were given. Their answers developed the following subthemes: above and beyond the call of duty, get your thinking cap on, and a new lease on life.

Above and Beyond the Call of Duty, the subtheme discussed the challenges encountered by the teachers in aiming or aspiring for an administrative position. Their realization shows how they worked hard to climb the ladder of their dreams. In the end, they achieved the fruit of their labor. Sacrifices, dedication, commitment, and positive attitudes are needed to attain one’s goal.

The next subtheme, Get Your Thinking Cap On, explains why the informants want to become a school. Although the informants used different ways to explain their reasoning, these answers point to one goal: to help the school improve its performance. As stipulated in the DepEd Vision and Mission, every educational institution develops a productive citizenry. This will make possible if a good school head manages the school, as explained in Republic Act 995. The school head should be knowledgeable enough as an instructional leader and administrative manager. It can do strategic action like forming a team with the schoolteachers/learning facilitators to deliver quality educational programs, projects, and services. 

Lastly, the third subtheme, A New Lease on Life, discussed the challenges experienced by the informants when they joined the open ranking for an administrative post and the coping mechanisms, they employed in facing those trials. These responses can serve as an eye-opener to improve selecting the best candidate through a fair and just selection process.  

The world of a school head is very challenging; therefore, proper guidance and assistance through coaching and mentoring should be provided to aspirants for the position. This position will allow the individual to have the authority to handle the school, but this power and control are coupled with responsibility and accountability. The future depends on the quality of teachers and the school leaders the country has. 

This part is the challenging time that to be explained and discussed.

Know-How. The findings showed most candidates are challenging times in complying with the required papers, especially the “All or nothing “criteria. The interpretation of PSB Members regarding giving points to candidates' papers is based on DepEd Order. They comply with the documents to be submitted according to PSB Qualification Standard.  The world of a school head is very challenging; therefore, proper guidance and assistance through coaching and mentoring should be provided to aspirants for the position. This position will allow the individual to have the authority to handle the school, but this power and control are coupled with responsibility and accountability. The future depends on the quality of teachers and the country's school leaders. 

6: What action plan can be developed to enhance the selection and promotion process?

For the PSB on upskilling and reskilling their knowledge, skills and attitude will help them in improving their process and mechanism in choosing the right school administrators based on merit and fitness they will have a uniform understanding of the legal bases. Hence the academic value of this program will redound to the end-user by way of having the right person who will lead them in the future. 


Documents submitted to be assessed need to scrutinize mainly the seminars who already use and be used by the teacher who promoted in just three to six months hence, the PSB need to focus the documents that need to have the database for proper recognizing the submitted paper. Attending these seminars will help create an effective learning environment, improve teaching-learning situations, keep updated on modern instructional devices and inspire them to become better teachers in the contemporary world. Pursuing their studies also gives a motivational word for their teachers.

School heads has to plan of having seminars for teacher during School Learning Action Cell about Deped Order where selection and promotion process, teacher may aware and may know in order to be promoted. A quarterly seminar be utilize and or during professional meeting with regards to Deped Order.

With this plan of action be undertaken, teachers aspire for promotion can play a pivotal role in shaping an organization’s effectiveness and performance if work organizations acquire workers who already possess relevant knowledge, skills, and aptitude and accurately predict their future abilities. If a teacher is placed in the right position, more likely, the organization will attain the goals and ideas. An organization can be formed by good selection decision for more effective overall performance.

To improve the performance of the PSB regarding the selection and Promotion of Teachers, they possess the following qualifications. Members of Personnel School Board must have the technical know-how or legal literacy to implement different issuances from the recruitment, selection, and promotion policy department. Educational qualification must be one of the criteria. They must be credible and dignified people. There is a need to reskill and upskill the competencies of the PSB. Also, aspirants must attend an orientation on legal literacy to fully understand the content of the laws, Memoranda, DepEd orders, and issuances.


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     Ramon S. Reyes, Ph.D. is a Secondary School Teachers of Tangos National High School, Division of City Schools of Navotas City. Finished the Doctor of Philosophy in Education major in Educational Management at Bulacan state University, Malolos Bulacan