
  • Specification


  • Past Papers


Past papers are also available from: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-a-levels/drama-and-theatre2016.coursematerials.html#filterQuery=Pearson-UK:Category%2FExam-materials

  • Useful Websites and research tasks


National Theatre Education Resources: Look for Devising masterclasses on various theatre companies such as SpyMonkey and RashDash to get extra ideas for component 1. Watch “Five Truths: Theatre Practitioners” and there are various videos on Ibsen’s ideas and plays on there.

Look at the following Theatre Practitioners’ websites. The resources pages often have devising exercises of videos to watch.

www.kneehighcookbook.co.uk (info, devising resources etc) www.franticassembly.co.uk




  • Activity

Research the following practitioner/directors and make notes on their style/techniques to use in your own work: Max Stafford Clark, Joan Littlewood, Katie Mitchell

  • Activity/ websites

Look at Theatre design Websites such as: http://www.rfdesigns.org and http://anthonywardtheatredesign.com

Research lighting, costume and sound design for Machinal and Hedda Gabler. There are lots of images online of different designs. Make notes on any that strike you as effective. Compile a list of design and technical terms that you come across so you can use them in your written essays.

  • Netflix

Watch Netflix – Abstract the art of Design, - episode on Es Devlin (theatre designer)