WBL Details

How the program works...

  1. Students are released from school one, two or three periods to work a part-time job in either a paid or unpaid position

  2. Students receive one credit for every period scheduled for WBL

  3. A student's work schedule does not necessarily have to coincide with the periods in which the student is scheduled for WBL. For example, a student may be scheduled for WBL for 6th and 7th periods but may not report to work until 5:00 p.m., or it's possible that the student would get all the hours needed by working on the weekends. Both scenarios are acceptable to receive elective credit.

  4. Students scheduled for one period of WBL need to clock a minimum of 5 hours each week to meet credit requirements. For two periods the minimum is 10 hours per week and for 3 periods the minimum is 15 hours per week.

  5. Only rising 11th and 12th graders are eligible for WBL and must be 16 years old when school starts in the Fall

Whether you have a job or not, if you think you might be interested in doing WBL, the first step will be to complete the WBL Application. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE A JOB TO APPLY. You can find the online application by clicking on the Tab at the top of this page - WBL Application.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach Ms. Marsha Arnett, WBL Coordinator, at marnett@bullochschools.org.