Crossroads Counseling Corner

Mrs. Manion, School Counselor, Crossroads Elementary


Counseling Beliefs:

  • Students come first in the school counseling program.

  • Our school and community are responsible to teach all students to value education and life-long learning.

  • Our school provides all students with the attitudes, knowledge and skills to be college and career ready.

  • Our school provides a positive environment where mutual respect and individual responsibility are learned and practiced.

  • All students, regardless of their diverse learning abilities, can learn and achieve to their maximum potential.

  • Our school counselor provides a comprehensive school counseling program driven by needs data and best practices.

  • Our school counselor adheres to the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors.


If you have any questions or would like further information about our counseling program, feel free to contact our school counselor, Mrs. Manion. She can be reached by phone (502-869-7400) or by email ( All calls and emails will be returned within 24 hours.