2022-01-05 NTI Family Video.mp4

Students & Families

  • These NTI Days are different than the remote learning days we used during the pandemic.

  • An NTI Day will follow the typical school day schedule.

      • This includes start and end times for the day as well as the different classes or periods held throughout the day.

      • Students should be sure to check in with teachers throughout the day according to their daily schedule.

  • Student participation can only be recorded at a specific time on the actual NTI Day and this cannot be changed later - there will be no opportunity to make up work from an NTI Day.

      • Student participation is critical as this determines whether we get to count the day as an NTI Day or if we will have to make the day up at the end of the year.

  • More specifics are addressed in the questions below.

Are all "snow days" NTI Days?

No. These are two totally separate terms.

  1. Snow Day - This is what people generally think of when they hear "snow day". There will be no school work or assignments required.

  2. NTI Day - Could be called for snow, weather, flooding, etc. Please see the questions below to learn more about BCPS' plans for NTI Days.

What is an NTI Day?

NTI stands for "Non-Traditional Instruction". NTI Days are different than the remote learning days we experienced during the pandemic.

This year, Bullitt County is allowed to use up to ten NTI Days during this school year. Student participation on an NTI Day is essential in order for these days to be counted toward our school calendar. Without enough student participation, NTI days will not count and will have to be made up at the end of the year.

Unlike during remote learning, student participation must be taken on the actual NTI day itself and cannot be changed later.

What does participation look like on an NTI Day?

Participation on an NTI Day is critical! NTI Days are only counted as an instructional day based on student and teacher participation. Should we have low district-wide participation, it could result in an additional day added to our school calendar at the end of the year.

Student participation for an NTI Day is defined as one or more of the following:

  • Email to and from student

  • Phone Call (parent, student, etc.)

  • Work submitted or logged in through SeeSaw, Google Classroom, Edgenuity, email, etc.

  • Assignment submitted through learning platform or email

  • Attendance at virtual office hours.

  • Attendance at class or small group virtual meeting

How can we prepare for an NTI Day?

There are a few things to consider as we move into the winter weather season where NTI Days can become more likely:

  • Be sure that your child is bringing their Chromebook home daily!

  • If your family does not have internet access at home, reach out to your school's Family/Youth Service Center in order to check out a Mifi box to use at home.

What is the NTI daily schedule?

BCPS' NTI schedule will follow the same schedule as a regular school day. Ex: if your school day normally begins at 9:00 and ends at 3:45, you will follow that same schedule for an NTI Day.

How long are students expected to be "online"?

Students will not be expected to be online all day; your teacher(s) will be in contact with a schedule for the day.

What if my child's chromebook isn't working on an NTI Day?

During an NTI Day, if your child's Chromebook is having issues:

    • Contact their school for assistance

    • Participate in one of the other options listed under the question above regarding what participation looks like.

Will there be school meals on an NTI Day?

No, there will be no meals served on NTI Days.

Will there be after school activities on an NTI Day?

It depends; your child's club sponsor or coach will be in contact during the NTI Day to communicate plans for after school events.

My child attends the YMCA: How will this work on an NTI Day?

On NTI Days, the YMCA will have two locations open: Crossroads Elementary and Cedar Grove Elementary. Should you have any questions about how this will work for your child, please contact the YMCA directly at 502-543-3985.

Students are also required to bring their Chromebooks with them to the YMCA on NTI Days.

My child attends JCTC Southwest: Will there be a shuttle service on an NTI Day?

No, there will be no shuttle services to JCTC.