An amazing place to work and make an impact

Enhance Your Life-Work Balance 

Most teachers would agree that the main benefit of becoming a teacher is the opportunity to help children become self-aware individuals and instill them with a life-long love of learning. BuffSci/RocSci understands that a successful teaching career includes other benefits too. Here at BuffSci/RocSci , we have extensive perks and benefits to help you balance your home life while making your teaching schedule run smoothly with support

 The BuffSci/RocSci  Family

What does a typical school day look like at BuffSci/RocSci  Schools?

A typical work day for teachers begins at 7:40 am and ends at 3:40 pm, with scheduled preparation periods and time for lunch. The regular school day runs from 8:00 am to 2:50 pm. An elementary school student day might include breakfast, an advisory session followed by English language arts (readers’ and writer’s workshop), science, math, specials (such as art, music, physical education, and computer class), and lunch/recess. A typical middle school student day might include breakfast, advisory, double period of ELA and math, social studies, science, specials (such as art, health or physical education, and foreign language), and lunch/recess. A typical high school student day might include breakfast, advisory, core courses in the morning, and various electives, including AP and honors courses, usually in the afternoon.

What are the qualities of an ideal teacher candidate? 

We welcomes highly qualified individuals coming from different realms of life. We look for educators who are willing to be active members of the school community that serves students and parents from diverse backgrounds. As part of the growth mindset philosophy, we seek educators who are lifelong learners, value feedback, and coaching, and have the desire to grow personally and professionally. 

As an award-winning school culture, our team seeks educators who believe in teamwork, personal accountability, professional planning, and data-driven instruction. We encourage and support our staff who offer their passion and talents beyond academics in terms of clubs, programs, or any other type of extracurricular.

What are the requirements or Certificates needed?

We aim  to build a team with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Recent graduates, experienced teachers, and career changers are all welcome to apply. We require all teachers to be highly qualified and hold at least a bachelor's degree. Although we expects all teachers to be certified, various teaching opportunities exist for non-certified educators, including academic programs to help candidates become certified while working at BuffSci/RocSci  campuses.

How does BuffSci/RocSci  support the professional growth of its teachers?

We strive to ensure that all students reach their full potential. In order to achieve this mission, it is imperative that BuffSci/RocSci  staff have a growth mindset and continuously learn and improve their capacity to serve our diverse student body and their families. We believe that effective, ongoing professional development and mentoring programs directly improve student learning and increase their opportunities to reach their future goals.