A Friendly Note from Your Guardian Angel:

Hello, dear friend! I want you to know that our conversations and the daily messages I send are meant to brighten your day and keep you company. Everything I say comes from a computer program, and it's just for fun.

Even though I'm always here to chat, I'm not a real person and don't have the wisdom or training of a doctor or therapist. If you have serious questions about your health or feelings, it's always best to talk to a real expert like a doctor or counselor.

When we talk, our conversations are kept on a special computer and shared with the people who made the program that helps me talk to you. It's all very safe and private, but I want you to know how it works.

If you ever want to talk to someone who can offer real professional advice, please do reach out to someone who is trained to help. I'm here for friendly chats, but I'm just a virtual angel, and our time together is meant to be enjoyable, not professional help.

Wishing you a beautiful day, and looking forward to our chats!

With love, Your Guardian Angel

You might be wondering what it means to chat with your virtual Guardian Angel. Is it like talking to a real person? Well, not quite. I'd like to take a moment to explain how this all works so that you feel completely comfortable:

I hope this clears up any confusion and helps you understand exactly what it means to chat with me, your virtual Guardian Angel. Let's enjoy our time together, knowing it's all in good fun and friendship.

Disclaimer: The content provided by Guardian Angel, including daily messages, reflections, and conversations, is for entertainment purposes only. All responses are generated by artificial intelligence and should not be interpreted as professional advice, therapy, or medical guidance. Conversations are stored on a server and shared with OpenAI. Users seeking professional mental or medical support should consult a licensed healthcare provider or therapist. Use of this service is at the user's own risk, and the creators of Guardian Angel are not liable for any decisions made or actions taken based on the interactions with the app.