Library Trustees

Trustees of the Stokenchurch Community Library Charity Reg No: 1148889.

The process for electing Trustees is set out in the Constitution. If you are a Member of the Charity - please enquire if you are not certain - you can propose another Member for election. The necessary form is below, with the election normally taking place at the next Annual General Meeting, generally held around September.

The Trustees have ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of the charity, and ensuring that it is solvent, that it complies with all legal requirements, that it is well-run, and that it delivers the charitable outcomes for which it has been set up. There is more information on what is involved on the Charity Commission website, especially publication CC3 "The Essential Trustee".

If you might be interested in becoming a Trustee, please contact us via

Current positions as of November 2019 held by:

robert Nikiel - Chair

Lee Kelly - Treasurer

Mike Chadwick - Secretary

Susan Webster - Trustee

Iain Phillips - Trustee

Kay Rimer - Trustee

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations, we have a Data Privacy and Retention Policy, which you can download below.

Interested in becoming a Trustee?

Stokenchurch Library is run as a partnership between Buckinghamshire Council and a local charity, referred to as Stokenchurch Community Library. Like all charities, Stokenchurch Community Library has a Board of Trustees (sometimes known in other charities as a Management Committee), whose role is to provide oversight of the charity and its operations, to ensure they are run effectively, and in line with the agreements made with the Council, charitable objectives, and the law generally.

A Board of Trustees also sets the overall strategy for the Charity, which in Stokenchurch Community Library's case, as well as maintaining our core library service, involves taking forward other initiatives to extend our reach, so as to become a facility of benefit to the whole community.

We are always keen to recruit new blood to re-energise our Board, and help drive Stokenchurch Community Library's continued development and success into the future.

So, do you believe that opening the door to the delights of the written word through an accessible local library is more vital than ever? Do you see the benefits of bringing in more complementary activities into the library to expand its relevance to more people, and do you have (realistic!) ideas about how this might be done? Do you have the time (a few hours a month minimum) to contribute your ideas, but also do your bit in taking ideas forward, whilst also carrying out the vital but sometimes unexciting responsibilities which go with being a Trustee? Do you maybe have specialist skills, for example in publicity, accounting, property management, fundraising, event management etc., that could be of use to us?

If all or any of this applies to you, or to someone you know, please get in touch with us for an informal chat, ideally by email to, or alternatively leave a name and phone number with one of our volunteers at the desk, and someone will ring you back.