Marika Swanberg

🇸🇪 → 🇺🇸

About Me

I am a machine learning engineer on Google's Privacy Sandbox team in NYC. I graduated with my PhD from Boston University, advised by Adam Smith. 

I am generally interested in real-world deployments of differential privacy (DP). In particular, I enjoy thinking about privacy risks against attackers with varying capabilities and designing accurate and scalable DP algorithms. Previously, I've dabbled in cryptography, theory of DP, and their connections to legal questions. 

I serve on the program committees for Theory and Practice of Differential Privacy (TPDP),  and Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS).

In my free time, I enjoy entertaining my border collie. 

I'm interested in operationalizing the theory of privacy in real-world systems.


Publications and manuscripts

Authors listed in alphabetical order by last name unless indicated by an asterisk.

Invited Talks and Posters



Seminars (full-length)