Main Source: Fulton's Intersection Theory


Prospective Papers for Seminar:

  1. Rational Points on Grassmannians and Unlikely Intersections in Tori by L. Capuano, D. Masser, J. Pila, and U. Zannier

  2. Effective Transcendetal Zilber-Pink for Variations of Hodge Structures by J. Pila and T. Scanlon

Subject to suggestions by participants!

Week 1 (9/16)

Topic: Rational Equivalence (Fulton Chapter 1)

Exercises: Work out the details of examples 1.6.2, 1.10.2

Speaker: Kate


Week 2 (9/23)

Topic: Divisors (Fulton Chapter 2)

Exercises: Work out the details of examples 2.3.1, 2.5.4, 2.6.2

Speaker: Annie

Week 3 (9/30)

Topic: Vector Bundles and Chern Classes (Fulton Chapter 3)

Exercises: Work out the details of examples 3.3.1, 3.3.2

Speaker: Zecheng

Week 4 & 5 (10/7, 10/14)

Topic: Cones and Segre Class (Fulton Chapter 4)

Exercises: TBD

Speaker: Xinyu

Week 6 (10/21)

Topic: Historical Context - The Overarching Narrative

Exercises: TBD

Speaker: Annie

Week 7 (10/28)

Topic: Concrete Examples!

Exercises: TBD

Speaker: Sid

Week 8 (11/4)

Topic: Concrete Examples! (Continued)

Exercises: TBD

Speaker: Sid

Week 9 (11/11)

Topic: More on Bezout's and Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch Background

Exercises: TBD

Speaker: Kate


Week 9 (11/18)

Topic: Deformation to Normal Cones (Fulton Chapter 5)

Exercises: TBD

Speaker: Annie

Week 10 (11/25)

Topic: Thanksgiving break!

Exercises: Rest

Speaker: Nobody

Week 11 (12/2)

Topic: Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch by Deformation to the Normal Cone


Speaker: Sid

Week 12 (12/9)

Topic: Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch

Exercises: TBD

Speaker: TBD